Add new utilities with Bootstrap 5

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-12-26 09:56:25


Following the B5 new documentation, this is how you are supposed to add new utilities with the new utilities API. I have not been the get the new output though.


@import "bootstrap/scss/utilities";

$utilities: map-merge(
    "cursor": (
      property: cursor,
      class: cursor
      responsive: true,
      values: auto pointer grab,

my file:

@import "bootstrap.scss";
@import "bootstrap/scss/utilities";

$utilities: map-merge(
    "button-rounded": (
      property: border-radius,
      class: button-rounded,
      values: (
        null: 20px,
  • I need to import bootstrap.scss because $utilities is undefined otherwise
  • the goal is to add a new property to make the button rounded.simple example to test out the new API. not working though
  • I am using the to compile the scss files: the src is starter.scss and the output is starter.css

I cannot find the new property button-rounded


When making any SASS customizations, the @import "bootstrap" should go after the changes. Also, the utilities file requires the variables file, and the variables file requires the functions file, so you must import all 3 before the change...

@import "bootstrap/scss/functions";
@import "bootstrap/scss/variables";
@import "bootstrap/scss/utilities";

$utilities: map-merge(
    "button-rounded": (
      property: border-radius,
      class: button-rounded,
      values: (
        null: 20px,

@import "bootstrap";


Since Bootstrap 5 is currently beta, I've submitted an issue report for this.

