How to implement drawer navigator in each tab?

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-12-15 03:36:54


I want to have drawer navigation in each tab and I followed this approach, but it doesn't work when I switch back to the previous tab (maybe some navigation tree issue).

As you can see above, the drawer works fine for the first time in each tab, but when I go back to any already navigated tab and try to open the drawer, the drawer doesn't open for that tab but opens up for the just previous tab. I think there's some navigation issue.


Here, I created a Bottom Tab Navigator and called the drawers for each tab.

const HomeBottomTab = ({ navigation }) => {
  return (
    <Tab.Navigator ... >
      <Tab.Screen name="Notifications" component={NotificationsDrawer} ... />
      <Tab.Screen name="Tutorials" component={TutorialsDrawer} ... />
      <Tab.Screen name="Wallet" component={WalletDrawer} ... />


Here I created a Drawer Navigator for the Notifications tab.

export default function NotificationsDrawer({ navigation }) {
    return (
      <Drawer.Navigator ... >
        <Drawer.Screen ... />
        <Drawer.Screen ... />
        <Drawer.Screen ... />

I did the same for TutorialsDrawer and WalletDrawer. Is there any way to fix this? Have I done something wrong?


All I had to do was create an independent Navigation Container and a Stack Navigator inside of it, which contains a Stack Screen and it accepts the drawer as a component.

import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack';
const Stack = createStackNavigator();
function Notifications_Drawer({ navigation }) {
 return (
  <Drawer.Navigator ... >
      <Drawer.Screen ... />
      <Drawer.Screen ... />
      <Drawer.Screen ... />
export default function NotificationsDrawer() {
    return (
        <NavigationContainer independent={true}>
                    options={{ headerShown: false }}

