Facing challenge to invoke cloud Function from cloud task using oidcToken

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-12-15 01:38:42


I am facing challenge to invoke cloud Function from cloud task using oidcToken.

Here are details of my IAM & Code:

const { CloudTasksClient } = require('@google-cloud/tasks');
const client = new CloudTasksClient();

//See https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/tutorial-gcf
module.exports = async (payload, scheduleTimeInSec) => {
  const project = process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_PROJECTID;
  const queue = process.env.QUEUE_NAME;
  const location = process.env.QUEUE_LOCATION;
  const callBackUrl = https://asia-south2-trial-288318.cloudfunctions.net/cloud-function-node-expres/;

  // Construct the fully qualified queue name.
  const parent = client.queuePath(project, location, queue);

  const body = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(payload)).toString('base64');

  const task = {
    httpRequest: {
      httpMethod: 'POST',
      url: callBackUrl,
      headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    scheduleTime: {
      seconds: scheduleTimeInSec,

    task.httpRequest.oidcToken = {
      serviceAccountEmail: process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL

  const request = {
    parent: parent,
    task: task,

  // Send create task request.
  try {
    let [responses] = await client.createTask(request);

    return ({ sts: true, taskName: responses.name, msg: "Email Schedule Task Created" })
  catch (e) {
    return ({ sts: true, err: true, errInfo: e, msg: "Unable to Schedule Task. Internal Error." })

The process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL has Cloud Functions Invoker role and the Cloud Function has allAuthenticatedUsers member with role Cloud Functions Invoker as per the doc.

But still I am seeing the 401 resposnse recevied by Cloud Task and Cloud Function is not getting called(See below image):

Any comment on this, whats going wrong here


This seems to be related that you have created the function in Firebase (guessing from the url). Seems the "Cloud Functions Invoker" is not enough for Firebase functions. I have replicated similar behavior on HelloWorld function from Firebase. The error is differnet (403) but I hope it will help you to troubleshoot the same way.

After creation helloWorld in Firebase I tested it with glcoud command in following steps:

  1. Create service acount with role "Cloud Functions Invoker" or use exiting one
  2. Download key for the account in JSON.
  3. Change gcloud to act as service account:
gcloud auth activate-service-account <service-account@email> --key-file=<key-form-step-2.json>
  1. gcloud functions call helloWorld

As the result of last action I got this error:

ERROR: (gcloud.functions.call) ResponseError: status=[403], code=[Forbidden], message=[Permission 'cloudfunctions.functions.call' denied on resource 'projects/functions-asia-test-vitooh/locations/us-central1/functions/helloWorld' (or reso
urce may not exist).]

So I created custom role in IAM: Cloud Functions Invoker + Firebase adding permission from the error massage cloudfunctions.functions.call.

The function started to work with the same gcloud functions call:

executionId: 3fgndpolu981
result: Hello from Firebase!

I think it will work as well. You can try add the same permission. If it wont work, try the same testing.


  • gcloud auth command
  • create custom role in Cloud IAM
  • gcloud function call

