I use SDK HERE Navigation version 4.5.4 for Flutter.
During navigation, I get the next maneuver index through routeProgressListener
listener of VisualNavigator
object, then I get the maneuver object in my route object.
But for each maneuvers of my route those parameters return null
But the parameter text
return me a correct value.
My logs:
flutter: NAV - nextHereManeuver :
action ManeuverAction.rightTurn
text Turn right onto Rue Roquelaine. Go for 112 m.
roadType null
roadName null
roadNameLanguageCode null
roadNumber null
nextRoadName null
nextRoadNameLanguageCode null
nextRoadNumber null
flutter: NAV - nextHereManeuver :
action ManeuverAction.rightTurn
text Turn right onto Boulevard de Strasbourg. Go for 96 m.
roadType null
roadName null
roadNameLanguageCode null
roadNumber null
nextRoadName null
nextRoadNameLanguageCode null
nextRoadNumber null
Thank you
Basically, during navigation you should take the Maneuver
object from the VisualNavigator's
, instead of taking it from the Route
object instead. The maneuver's text
taken from Route
contains a localized description, but taking the same value from the RouteProgress
is null
during navigation.
Usually, I use the route for the route overview page to draw the route and show the maneuver list - and during navigation I take the maneuvers directly from navigator - as they are synced realtime with your current location. Here's some more code (in Dart) that shows how to get the content from routeProgress
. It's taken from the HERE SDK's GitHub repo that contains some useful Flutter examples:
// Contains the progress for the next maneuver ahead and the next-next maneuvers, if any.
List<ManeuverProgress> nextManeuverList = routeProgress.maneuverProgress;
ManeuverProgress nextManeuverProgress = nextManeuverList.first;
if (nextManeuverProgress == null) {
print('No next maneuver available.');
int nextManeuverIndex = nextManeuverProgress.maneuverIndex;
HERE.Maneuver nextManeuver = _visualNavigator.getManeuver(nextManeuverIndex);
if (nextManeuver == null) {
// Should never happen as we retrieved the next maneuver progress above.
HERE.ManeuverAction action = nextManeuver.action;
String nextRoadName = nextManeuver.nextRoadName;
String road = nextRoadName ?? nextManeuver.nextRoadNumber;
if (action == HERE.ManeuverAction.arrive) {
// We are approaching the destination, so there's no next road.
String currentRoadName = nextManeuver.roadName;
road = currentRoadName ?? nextManeuver.roadNumber;
// Happens only in rare cases, when also the fallback is null.
road ??= 'unnamed road';
So, basically, during navigation, you can get the maneuver
like this (ignoring the route
instance, which also contains maneuvers):
Maneuver nextManeuver = visualNavigator.getManeuver(nextManeuverIndex);
I would recommend to also take a look at the user guide for the Android flavor, it contains the same SDK logic, just the API interfaces are in Java/Kotlin instead of Dart. The explanations in user guide for Android are quite helpful. It seems Flutter is still in beta, so the user guide is a bit limited in comparison to the native flavors.