Trying to create a new AWS Lambda Function with the root account for the first time using management console. I am receiving the error "Request failed with status code 403" no matter how many different options I tried.
I've already tried changing my region, creating the function with default role(basic lambda permissions), new role, existing role and with the options "Author from Scratch", "Use a blueprint", "Serverless app repository" but still getting the same error.
How can i troubleshoot and solve this problem?
Based on the comments.
The issue was resolved by checking Event Logs
AWS Personal Health Dashboard, which indicated that permissions on the account were temporary limited by AWS due to Risk IAM quarantine
and some suspicious activity.
Faced with same issue, but "Personal Health Dashbord" is clear for me, nothing strange here.
Just about month ago i created it successfully. Also, my free tier plan was expired, but may be it the reason?
Also, can't delete old functions :
Go to IAM roles. Your role already there In Lambda function configuration first try to use an existing role and chooes the role name with your function name. see if thats works.
Else since its free teir delete all IAM roles and try again