Hi, this is my code and i need help. This is a simple version of another code, the real one I am using 50 in origin and 70 in destination.. there are two things that i do not know how to do:
first thing that i do not know how to do: I would like to limit the number of orign used in the optimization, in this case I would like to only use 3 "origin", but all destination must be used
second, i would like to print the distance next to each combination I used after the solve(), the distance i created usind rnd.randint
tks for the atention =)
from pulp import *
import pandas as pd
from random import randint
import numpy as np
rnd = np.random
seed = 1
origin = ["1","2","3","4","5"]
destination = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"]
demand = {"a":1,"b":1,"c":1,"d":1,"e":1,"f":1,"g":1}
distance = {"1":{"a":rnd.randint(1,50),"b":rnd.randint(1,50),"c":rnd.randint(1,50),"d":rnd.randint(1,50),"e":rnd.randint(1,50),"f":rnd.randint(1,50),"g":rnd.randint(1,50)},
prob = LpProblem("Exercise", LpMinimize)
Routes = [(i, j) for i in origin for j in destination if j in distance[i]]
qual = LpVariable.dicts("Qual Centroide é atendedido por qual Postp",Routes,0)
prob += lpSum(qual[(i,j)]*distance[i][j] for (i,j) in Routes)
for j in destination:
prob += lpSum(qual[(i,j)] for i in origin if (i,j) in Routes) == demand[j]
print("Status: ", LpStatus[prob.status])
list1 = []
count = 0
for v in prob.variables():
if v.varValue > 0:
count += 1
print(v.name, "=", v.varValue)
new_list = []
for elemento in list1:
new_list.append((re.findall('\d+', elemento)))
flattened = [item for sublist in new_list for item in sublist]
flattened = list(dict.fromkeys(flattened))
print("\nNumber of origin used = ",len(flattened)-1)
print("Number of destination used (i need to use them all) = ", count)