Is this an even or odd element?

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-12-02 02:53:39


So I saw this question a few moments ago on SO and it got me thinking.

Basically the OP had something along these lines

$('div').each( function() {
   //do something different based on whether even or odd div
   if ($(this) == ':even') {}  //invalid markup I know!
   else {}

Is there a way to tell inside the .each() whether your current element is an odd or even instance?

There is the .filter method of jQuery, but it always returns true when it has a single element.

I also realize you can use the nth-child selector or set this up in other ways, but I am curious about this specific case.


The callback to .each is passed the element's index and the element:

$('div').each(function(i, el) {
   // As a side note, this === el.
   if (i % 2 === 0) { /* we are even */ }
   else { /* we are odd */ }


$('div').each( function(index) {
   //do something different based on whether even or odd div
   if (index % 2 == 0) {}  // even
   else {} // odd


If you know that all of the elements are children of the same parent, you can use the index provided by each

$('div').each( function(index) {
    if (index%2 == 0) {}
    else {}

otherwise, use the index function which will calculate the index of the element among its siblings.

$('div').each( function() {
    if ($(this).index()%2 == 0) {}
    else {}


Using Jquery api .is( selector )

$('div').each( function() {
    //Check if element is even
    if ($(this).is(":even")) {

    //Check if element is odd
    if ($(this).is(":odd")) {


