TypeScript Obfuscation

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-12-01 08:55:30


Are there any tools or forks of TypeScript to support public namespace obfuscation? I.e. to turn:

class MyUtil {
   print(): void { ... }

Into something like:

class xxy {
   aab(): void { ... }

If not, would be be straight forward to fork the compiler to provide this? Perhaps with some type of class annotation indication what should / shouldn't be obfuscated.

(Obviously public obfuscation has to be used carefully, no good for libraries! But great if used consistently across your project)


I had the exact same question, and it was instantly deleted by SO.


This is exactly the tool you (and I) are looking for, it seems to work pretty well, I needed to comment out a few parts where the the author was taking precautions I don't think are applicable.


I don't believe there is any reason to do this in TypeScript. You can instead use something like Closure Compiler to do the obfuscation on your JavaScript output. Specifically look into Closure's Advanced Compilation settings.


 Not a direct answer! Js obfuscator



Webpack plugin: webpack-obfuscator
Webpack loader: obfuscator-loader
Gulp: gulp-javascript-obfuscator
Grunt: grunt-contrib-obfuscator
Rollup: rollup-plugin-javascript-obfuscator


Only obfuscate the code that belongs to you.

It is not recommended to obfuscate vendor scripts and polyfills, since the obfuscated code is 15-80% slower (depends on options) and the files are significantly larger.

