Custom template(transclusion without ng-content) for list component in Angular2

二次信任 提交于 2019-11-27 23:19:11
Cagatay Civici

You need to use ngForTemplate, I've created PrimeNG DataList and many other DataComponents using this technique and it works great. Demo;


In your component, define a templateRef with contentchild;

@ContentChild(TemplateRef) itemTemplate: TemplateRef;

Your template becomes;

template: `<p>This is List</p>
       <template ngFor [ngForOf]="data" [ngForTemplate]="itemTemplate"></template>

So that your users can define content like;

   <template #anything>
Thierry Templier

There was a question regarding this in the past (see Use content of component template in angular 2) and this doesn't seem to be supported.

There are two things here:

  • When you provide an input template for the component, your i is variable is evaluated against the current component and not my-list one. If you want to use its properties you must do something like that:

    <my-list #myList>
      <div>{{}}-{{myList.i.age}}</div> //user should be able to provide custom template like this
  • The other problem is the ability to use ng-content within a loop and it's not supported. I think that we could add an issue for this...

Here is a the plunkr I used for my tests:

You can find a short interesting guide which shows you how to build such a list-component with custom-template here.
