Meteor collection fetch returns empty array but is subscribed

北战南征 提交于 2019-11-27 23:09:59


I uninstalled the autosubscribe and restarted the meteor app. Since then, I haven't been able to access my collection data on the client.

Every question related to the empty array return comes up with the same answer: the subscribed data isn't available yet. But no matter how long I wait I never see the data on the client.


Meteor.startup(function () {
  Meteor.publish("states", function () {
    return states.find();

Logging states.find().fetch() on the server spits out my states as expected.

On the client:

Meteor.subscribe("states", function(){
  console.log(states, states.find(), states.find().fetch());

states and states.find() return objects as expected, .fetch() returns an [].

Waiting (even several minutes) then running states.find().fetch() in the browser console gives me [] still.



Collection is declared outside of the isServer/isClient blocks (to utilize schemas).

states = new Meteor.Collection("states");


I think you are getting [] because you are publishing the data on the startup, when isn't ready, lets make that subscribe reactive.

   Meteor.subscribe("states", function(){
      console.log(states, states.find(), states.find().fetch());


There is no reason to declare the collections inside the isServer/isClient if statements

Since you are starting with the Good practices (removing insecure/autopublish packages)

Lets do the follow.

First Create the folder structure. (check meteor/structuringyourapp and this SO).

Inside the appName/lib/collection.js put this code.

states = new Meteor.Collection("states");
//optional you can place this subscribe inside the appName/client/main.js
   Meteor.subscribe("states", function(){
      console.log(states, states.find(), states.find().fetch());

and on the appName/server/publish.js

Meteor.publish("states", function () {
    return states.find();

