Enabling clustering features for an existing virtual disk by converting in place (1035823)clustering
通过就地转换为现有虚拟磁盘启用群集功能 (2062869)请添加链接描述
How to change VMDK disk format from Thin and Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed to Thick Provision Eager Zeroed
方法一Use Storage vMotion to change the disk format
a) 如果 VMDK 虚拟磁盘的类型为精简置备,请使用 vmkfstools --inflatedisk 命令将此磁盘转换为厚置备置零。
vmkfstools --inflatedisk /vmfs/volumes/DatastoreName/VMName/VMName.vmdk
注意:inflate 命令会报告完成的百分比。
b) 如果 VMDK 虚拟磁盘的类型为厚置备,请使用 vmkfstools --eagerzero 命令将此磁盘转换为厚置备置零。
vmkfstools --eagerzero /vmfs/volumes/DatastoreName/VMName/VMName.vmdk
注意:eager zero 命令会报告完成的百分比。
How to extend Share disks size
If you need to extend the VMDK and want the VMDK to be EagerZeroedThick, run this command:
For example, to extend the size of the virtual disk to 60 GB:
#vmkfstools -X 60G -d eagerzeroedthick /vmfs/volumes/Datastore_name/virtual_Machine_folder/virtualmachinedisk.vmdk
In the preceding vmkfstools -X example, 60 GB is the size that you want the disk file to be, is not the size by which you want to extend the disk file.
If you extend the disk by using UI, you have no control over all the options to extend the disk. As a result, the EagerZeroedThick VMDK automatically becomes LazyZeroedThick.