Default response class in springdoc

99封情书 提交于 2020-08-23 04:03:22


I am trying to add a default error model to all endpoints in my API, for some error codes.

I found a partial solution by reading the following issues:

  • Springfox -> Springdoc: How to expose additional models

This is the bean I am creating for that customisation:

    public OpenApiCustomiser customOpenApiCustomiser() {
        return openApi -> {
            openApi.getPaths().values().forEach(pathItem -> pathItem.readOperations().forEach(operation -> {

                Schema sharedErrorSchema = ModelConverters.getInstance()
                        .getOrDefault("Error", new Schema());

                MediaType sharedMediaType = new MediaType().schema(sharedErrorSchema);
                Content sharedContent = new Content()
                        .addMediaType(APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, sharedMediaType);

                ApiResponses apiResponses = operation.getResponses();

                ApiResponse response = new ApiResponse()
                        .description("Unhandled server error")
                apiResponses.addApiResponse("500", response);

And my Error class looks something like:

public class Error {
    private String message;
    private List<ErrorItem> errorItems;

The problem is that when I open one of the endpoints definition in swagger-ui, I am getting the following error:

Could not resolve reference: Could not resolve pointer: /components/schemas/ErrorItem does not exist in document

How can I define the schema for ErrorItem, making it available for swagger-ui?

I am using:

  • Spring Boot => 2.2.4.Release
  • springdoc-openapi-ui => 1.3.0
  • springdoc-openapi-security => 1.3.0


I had a similiar issue and resolved it today:

First you have to add all java-types to the components:

// add Error and ErrorItem to schema

Then you have to create a Schema-Ref to use it in your response:

// add default responses
// Ref to Error-Object (added in step above)
Schema errorResponseSchema = new Schema();

Now you can use this ref. In this example i use Error only for BadRequest, all other default responses don't use a schema. Change it as you need it :-)

openApi.getPaths().values().forEach(pathItem -> pathItem.readOperations().forEach(operation -> {
  ApiResponses apiResponses = operation.getResponses();
  apiResponses.addApiResponse("400", createApiResponse("BadRequest", errorResponseSchema));
  apiResponses.addApiResponse("403", createApiResponse("Forbidden", null));
  apiResponses.addApiResponse("404", createApiResponse("Not Found", null));
  apiResponses.addApiResponse("500", createApiResponse("Server Error", null));

Where createApiResponse is just a simple private function:

private ApiResponse createApiResponse(String message, Schema schema) {
  MediaType mediaType = new MediaType();
  return new ApiResponse().description(message)
                .content(new Content().addMediaType(org.springframework.http.MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, mediaType));

Make sure you get the right import for your Error.class, per default it will be java.lang.Error.

