Laravel validation: exists two column same row

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-08-03 09:17:59


Is there a way of referencing another field when specifying the exists validation rule in Laravel?

My request :

public function rules()

        return [
            'numero_de_somme' => 'unique:personnels,numero_de_somme|exists:fonctionnaire,num_somme',
            'cin' => 'unique:personnels,cin|exists:fonctionnaire,cin',


in my validation rules I want to be able to make sure that:

  • num_somme exists within the fonctionnaire table
  • cin exists within the fonctionnaire table and cin input must be on the same row of the num_somme

num_somme : 12345 cin : s89745

num_somme : 78945 cin : U10125

Explaining : for example

  • 1st scenario if the input num_somme = 12345 and cin = U10125 the validation must fail
  • 2nd scenario if the input num_somme = 12345 and cin = s89745 the validation must success

I hope this makes sense.

Thank you


I came across the same need today and I think I have a solution using the validation Rule class: Rule example.

Here is my scenario: I have an email verifications table and I want to ensure that a passed machine code and activation code exist on the same row.

Be sure to include use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;

$activationCode = $request->activation_code;                                   

$rules = [                                                                     
    'mc' => [                                                                  
        Rule::exists('email_verifications', 'machineCode')                     
        ->where(function ($query) use ($activationCode) {                      
            $query->where('activationCode', $activationCode);                  
    'activation_code' => 'required|integer|min:5',                             
    'operating_system' => 'required|alpha_num|max:45'                          

The first argument in the exists method is the table and the second is the custom column name I'm using for the 'mc' field. I pass the second column I want to check using the 'use' keyword and then use that field in a a where clause.


You can simply use this:

'request_input' => exists:table,col,alternative_col_1,alternative_val_1,alternative_col_2,alternative_val_2, ...'

The SQL query is like below:

select count(*) as aggregate from `table` where `id` = [request_input] and `alternative_col1` = "alternative_val1" and `alternative_col2` = "alternative_val2"


You can achieve validating multipe columns by using Rule.

Include :

use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;

use Validator;

$AdminId = $request->AdminId;
$Validate = Validator::make($request->all(),[
        'TaxId' => [ 'required', Rule::exists('tax','id')                     
                                    ->where(function ($query) use ($AdminId) {                      
                                    $query->where('u_id', $AdminId);                  
        {`Your ERROR HERE`}

Here in my example I'm checking u_id and Id which is in same row and 2 columns.

Explaining : for example


id = 1 , u_id = 1, tax = "GST" , value -> 8

id = 2 , u_id = 2, tax = "GST" , value -> 5

1st scenario if the input id = 2 and u_id = 1 the validation must fail because this row belongs to u_id = 2.

2nd scenario if the input id = 2 and u_id = 2 the validation must success


i managed to solve it using the most simple method

  • for numero_de_somme

'numero_de_somme' => 'unique:personnels,numero_de_somme|exists:fonctionnaire,num_somme,cin,'.Request::get('cin'),

  • for cin

'cin' => 'unique:personnels,cin|exists:fonctionnaire,cin',

PS . don't forget to call use Illuminate\Http\Request;

