Could you help me implementing a counter in order to generate an xml file with multiple element from a csv inside?
Here is the csv file
7/8/19 22:27;457E6659_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_ML.pdf;ML;1367091
9/11/19 23:03;49453878_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_ML.pdf;ML;106440
9/24/19 21:04;497E585B_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_CS.pdf;CS;1536658
2/12/20 22:12;58453B75_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_ML.pdf;ML;1406091
and the code
My return on the screen is good but as I am not calling the value, it can't be incremented. And for the moment all the things I've tried has a bad issue (only the last result appears to crash every other one)
Help me please
$POLE = 'Nom="POLE" Valeur="1ADP"'
# Paramètre nombre item par xml VALEUR A MODIFIER A 5000
$maxItemsPerXml = 3
# Nombre de process restants
$restant = $liste.Count
# Paramétrage compteur
#Import du csv et création des différentes collections
$liste = Import-Csv -path 'c:\temp\testH.csv' -Delimiter ';'
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $DateErrors = @()
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $FileNameErrors = @()
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $CanalErrors = @()
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $NumAssureErrors = @()
#création fichier
$xmlFile = "C:\Temp\MIG_ERELEVE_MM_$(get-date -f dd-MM-yyyy)_{0:D3}.xml" -f $xmlFileCount
$output = @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Documents Origine="ERELEVE_HUM">
foreach($item in $liste)
#Initiation variables booléennes
$MyDateIsCorrect = $true
$MyFileNameIsCorrect = $true
$MyCanalIsCorrect = $true
$MyNumAssureIsCorrect = $true
#Transformations données
$date = $($item.UCB63_DATENUM -split " ")[0]
$renommage = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($item.U6618_FILENAME)
#Génération output XML
if($MyDateIsCorrect -and $MyFileNameIsCorrect -and $MyCanalIsCorrect -and $MyNumAssureIsCorrect){
$output += @"
<Index Nom="TITLE" Valeur="$renommage"/>
<Index Nom="NO_ASSURE" Valeur="$($item.U65B8_IDRP)"/>
<Index Nom="DEBUT_PERIODE" Valeur="$RecupDateFinTraitement"/>
<Index Nom="FIN_PERIODE" Valeur="$RecupDateFin30"/>
<Index Nom="DATE_GENERATION_DECOMPTE"$RecupDateFinTraitement/>
<Index $POLE/>
<Index Nom="ALERTE_MAIL" Valeur="$fin"/>
<Fichier Nom="$($item.U6618_FILENAME)"/>
$output += @"
$output | Set-Content -Path $xmlFile -Encoding UTF8
$DateErrors.ToArray() | Export-Csv -Path c:\temp\DateErrors.csv -NoTypeInformation
$FileNameErrors.ToArray() | Export-Csv -Path c:\temp\FileNameErrors.csv -NoTypeInformation
$CanalErrors.ToArray() | Export-Csv -Path c:\temp\CanalErrors.csv -NoTypeInformation
$NumAssureErrors.ToArray() | Export-Csv -Path c:\temp\NumAssureErrors.csv -NoTypeInformation
My output looks like this, but I would like to create a new file as soon a s I reach 3 elements
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Documents Origine="ERELEVE_HUM">
<Index Nom="TITLE" Valeur="457E6659_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_ML"/>
<Index Nom="NO_ASSURE" Valeur="1367091"/>
<Index Nom="DEBUT_PERIODE" Valeur="09-07-2020"/>
<Index Nom="FIN_PERIODE" Valeur="08/08/2020"/>
<Index Nom="MONTANT_TOTAL" Valeur="0"/>
<Index Nom="DATE_GENERATION_DECOMPTE"09-07-2020/>
<Index Nom="POLE" Valeur="1ADP"/>
<Index Nom="CODE_ORGANISME" Valeur="1ADP"/>
<Index Nom="ALERTE_MAIL" Valeur="1"/>
<Fichier Nom="457E6659_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_ML.pdf"/>
<Index Nom="TITLE" Valeur="49453878_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_ML"/>
<Index Nom="NO_ASSURE" Valeur="106440"/>
<Index Nom="DEBUT_PERIODE" Valeur="09-07-2020"/>
<Index Nom="FIN_PERIODE" Valeur="08/08/2020"/>
<Index Nom="MONTANT_TOTAL" Valeur="0"/>
<Index Nom="DATE_GENERATION_DECOMPTE"09-07-2020/>
<Index Nom="POLE" Valeur="1ADP"/>
<Index Nom="CODE_ORGANISME" Valeur="1ADP"/>
<Index Nom="ALERTE_MAIL" Valeur="1"/>
<Fichier Nom="49453878_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_ML.pdf"/>
<Index Nom="TITLE" Valeur="497E585B_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_CS"/>
<Index Nom="NO_ASSURE" Valeur="1536658"/>
<Index Nom="DEBUT_PERIODE" Valeur="09-07-2020"/>
<Index Nom="FIN_PERIODE" Valeur="08/08/2020"/>
<Index Nom="MONTANT_TOTAL" Valeur="0"/>
<Index Nom="DATE_GENERATION_DECOMPTE"09-07-2020/>
<Index Nom="POLE" Valeur="1ADP"/>
<Index Nom="CODE_ORGANISME" Valeur="1ADP"/>
<Index Nom="ALERTE_MAIL" Valeur="1"/>
<Fichier Nom="497E585B_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_CS.pdf"/>
<Index Nom="TITLE" Valeur="58453B75_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_ML"/>
<Index Nom="NO_ASSURE" Valeur="1406091"/>
<Index Nom="DEBUT_PERIODE" Valeur="09-07-2020"/>
<Index Nom="FIN_PERIODE" Valeur="08/08/2020"/>
<Index Nom="MONTANT_TOTAL" Valeur="0"/>
<Index Nom="DATE_GENERATION_DECOMPTE"09-07-2020/>
<Index Nom="POLE" Valeur="1ADP"/>
<Index Nom="CODE_ORGANISME" Valeur="1ADP"/>
<Index Nom="ALERTE_MAIL" Valeur="1"/>
<Fichier Nom="58453B75_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_ML.pdf"/>
I have revised my code from last time to build in error control, because I believe that was the reason you changed the while
loop into a foreach
The code below still uses the while loop because for me that makes it easier to handle the counters.
I did change the way the item- and document templates are inserted in the code, because Here-Strings tend to break code formatting, making it harder to read. Now it uses a deferred variable expansion, I leaned from this answer.
By doing that, the templates are defined early in the code without breaking indentation and are expanded when needed later on.
I also changed the way you capture the possible errors. Beow I'm using a single List object to capture all error types and items by prefixing two extra columns to the error-item: ErrorType
and ErrorDescription
$POLE = 'Nom="POLE" Valeur="1ADP"'
# Create two template Here-Strings near the top of the code.
# The first one is a templete for every single item in the XML, the second one
# merges it together as a complete XML document.
# The Here-Strings use SINGLE quotes, so the variables inside are now NOT expanded.
# We'll do that later in the code using $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($itemTemplate)
$itemTemplate = @'
<Index Nom="TITLE" Valeur="$renommage"/>
<Index Nom="NO_ASSURE" Valeur="$($item.U65B8_IDRP)"/>
<Index Nom="DEBUT_PERIODE" Valeur="$RecupDateFinTraitement"/>
<Index Nom="FIN_PERIODE" Valeur="$RecupDateFin30"/>
<Index Nom="DATE_GENERATION_DECOMPTE" Valeur="$RecupDateFinTraitement"/>
<Index $POLE/>
<Index Nom="ALERTE_MAIL" Valeur="$alerte"/>
<Fichier Nom="$($item.U6618_FILENAME)"/>
$documentTemplate = @'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Documents Origine="ERELEVE_HUM">
$($xmlItems -join "`r`n")
# create a list object to capture any errors
$errorList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new()
# older PowerShell versions use
# $errorList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[object]
# read the csv file
$liste = Import-Csv -path 'C:\temp\testH.csv' -Delimiter ';'
# get the total remaining records to process
$restant = $liste.Count
# set a maximum value of items for each resulting XML file.
# In real life, change this value to 5000
$maxItemsPerXml = 3
# set a xml output file counter and an item index counter
$xmlFileCount = 1
$currentItem = 0
# loop through all items
while ($restant -gt 0) {
$itemCount = [math]::Min($maxItemsPerXml, $restant)
$xmlItems = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $itemCount; $i++) {
$item = $liste[$i + $currentItem]
$errorsFound = $false
# test some of the fields
$date = Get-Date
# if no error, the date variable will be set to the date in this field
if (-not [datetime]::TryParseExact($item.UCB63_DATENUM, 'M/d/yy HH:mm', $null, 'None', [ref]$date)) {
# add an error object to the errorList
[void]$errorList.Add(($item | Select-Object @{Name = 'ErrorType'; Expression = {'BadDate'}},
@{Name = 'ErrorDescription'; Expression = {'UCB63_DATENUM has invalid date format'}}, *))
$errorsFound = $true
if ([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($item.U6618_FILENAME) -ne '.pdf'){
[void]$errorList.Add(($item | Select-Object @{Name = 'ErrorType'; Expression = {'BadExtension'}},
@{Name = 'ErrorDescription'; Expression = {'U6618_FILENAME not a PDF file'}}, *))
$errorsFound = $true
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($item.UF6E8_CANAL)){
[void]$errorList.Add(($item | Select-Object @{Name = 'ErrorType'; Expression = {'EmptyField'}},
@{Name = 'ErrorDescription'; Expression = {'UF6E8_CANAL is empty'}}, *))
$errorsFound = $true
## U65B8_IDRP
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($item.U65B8_IDRP)) {
[void]$errorList.Add(($item | Select-Object @{Name = 'ErrorType'; Expression = {'EmptyField'}},
@{Name = 'ErrorDescription'; Expression = {'U65B8_IDRP is empty'}}, *))
$errorsFound = $true
if (!$errorsFound) {
$alerte = if ($item.UF6E8_CANAL -eq "ML") {1} else {0}
$renommage = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($item.U6618_FILENAME)
$RecupDateFinTraitement = $date.ToString('dd/MM/yyyy')
$RecupDateFin30 = $date.AddDays(30).ToString('dd/MM/yyyy')
# output each item in xml-style by (deferred) expansion of the variables that are now known
else {
# the item had error(s). Increment the $itemCount variable,
# but don't let it grow beyond the $restant number of items!
$itemCount = [math]::Min(($itemCount + 1), $restant)
# create a complete file path and name for the output xml
$xmlFile = "C:\Temp\MIG_ERELEVE_MM_{0:dd-MM-yyyy}_{1:D3}.xml" -f (Get-Date), $xmlFileCount
# create the XML content, complete with declaration and root node and write it to file
$ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($documentTemplate) | Set-Content -Path $xmlFile -Encoding UTF8
# increment the xml FILE counter
# update the csv ITEM counters
$restant -= $itemCount
$currentItem += $itemCount
# output the errors encountered if any
if ($errorList.Count) {
$errorList | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\temp\Errors.csv' -Delimiter ';' -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
From your observations, apparently PowerShell 4.0 does not work well with $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString()
So for that version (and older) use this instead:
$POLE = 'Nom="POLE" Valeur="1ADP"'
# create a list object to capture any errors
$errorList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[object]
$errorList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[object]
# read the csv file
$liste = Import-Csv -path 'C:\temp\testH.csv' -Delimiter ';'
# get the total remaining records to process
$restant = $liste.Count
# set a maximum value of items for each resulting XML file.
# In real life, change this value to 5000
$maxItemsPerXml = 3
# set a xml output file counter and an item index counter
$xmlFileCount = 1
$currentItem = 0
# loop through all items
while ($restant -gt 0) {
$itemCount = [math]::Min($maxItemsPerXml, $restant)
$xmlItems = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $itemCount; $i++) {
$item = $liste[$i + $currentItem]
$errorsFound = $false
# test some of the fields
$date = Get-Date
# if no error, the date variable will be set to the date in this field
if (-not [datetime]::TryParseExact($item.UCB63_DATENUM, 'M/d/yy HH:mm', $null, 'None', [ref]$date)) {
# add an error object to the errorList
[void]$errorList.Add(($item | Select-Object @{Name = 'ErrorType'; Expression = {'BadDate'}},
@{Name = 'ErrorDescription'; Expression = {'UCB63_DATENUM has invalid date format'}}, *))
$errorsFound = $true
if ([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($item.U6618_FILENAME) -ne '.pdf'){
[void]$errorList.Add(($item | Select-Object @{Name = 'ErrorType'; Expression = {'BadExtension'}},
@{Name = 'ErrorDescription'; Expression = {'U6618_FILENAME not a PDF file'}}, *))
$errorsFound = $true
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($item.UF6E8_CANAL)){
[void]$errorList.Add(($item | Select-Object @{Name = 'ErrorType'; Expression = {'EmptyField'}},
@{Name = 'ErrorDescription'; Expression = {'UF6E8_CANAL is empty'}}, *))
$errorsFound = $true
## U65B8_IDRP
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($item.U65B8_IDRP)) {
[void]$errorList.Add(($item | Select-Object @{Name = 'ErrorType'; Expression = {'EmptyField'}},
@{Name = 'ErrorDescription'; Expression = {'U65B8_IDRP is empty'}}, *))
$errorsFound = $true
if (!$errorsFound) {
$alerte = if ($item.UF6E8_CANAL -eq "ML") {1} else {0}
$renommage = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($item.U6618_FILENAME)
$RecupDateFinTraitement = $date.ToString('dd/MM/yyyy')
$RecupDateFin30 = $date.AddDays(30).ToString('dd/MM/yyyy')
# output each item in xml-style by (deferred) expansion of the variables that are now known
<Index Nom="TITLE" Valeur="$renommage"/>
<Index Nom="NO_ASSURE" Valeur="$($item.U65B8_IDRP)"/>
<Index Nom="DEBUT_PERIODE" Valeur="$RecupDateFinTraitement"/>
<Index Nom="FIN_PERIODE" Valeur="$RecupDateFin30"/>
<Index Nom="DATE_GENERATION_DECOMPTE" Valeur="$RecupDateFinTraitement"/>
<Index $POLE/>
<Index Nom="ALERTE_MAIL" Valeur="$alerte"/>
<Fichier Nom="$($item.U6618_FILENAME)"/>
else {
# the item had error(s). Increment the $itemCount variable,
# but don't let it grow beyond the $restant number of items!
$itemCount = [math]::Min(($itemCount + 1), $restant)
# create a complete file path and name for the output xml
$xmlFile = "C:\Temp\MIG_ERELEVE_MM_{0:dd-MM-yyyy}_{1:D3}.xml" -f (Get-Date), $xmlFileCount
# create the XML content, complete with declaration and root node and write it to file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Documents Origine="ERELEVE_HUM">
$($xmlItems -join "`r`n")
"@ | Set-Content -Path $xmlFile -Encoding UTF8
# increment the xml FILE counter
# update the csv ITEM counters
$restant -= $itemCount
$currentItem += $itemCount
# output the errors encountered if any
if ($errorList.Count) {
$errorList | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\temp\Errors.csv' -Delimiter ';' -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
Some explanation:
The while ($restant -gt 0)
loop simply makes it a lot easier then a foreach($item in $liste)
, because it tests if there are still items to process.
$itemCount = [math]::Min($maxItemsPerXml, $restant)
gets you the number of items you set in$maxItemsPerXml
, but never more than there are items left.we use that
variable in the next loop$xmlItems = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $itemCount; $i++)
to iterate over this maximum number of items and at the same time, we capture whatever the loop outputs in variable$xmlItems
inside this loop we first do some tests on each field per item and if a test fails, we report that in variable
. If an item has failed the tests, it is omitted from the XML output, so we need to adjust variable$itemCount
with$itemCount = [math]::Min(($itemCount + 1), $restant)
. Again, we use [math]::Min() to make sure we never go beyond the remaining number of items.if all tests pass, the item is output as XML
node and collected in$xmlItems
then, if we finished the
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $itemCount; $i++)
loop we have collected a maximum of$maxItemsPerXml
xml nodes and we need to save the XML.after saving, we need to adjust the various counters before we re-enter the while loop:
- the filecounter is incremented for the next file with
- the number of remaining items is adjusted with
$restant -= $itemCount
- the index number
is set to the next value in the total array with$currentItem += $itemCount
- the filecounter is incremented for the next file with
finally, we check if the
has anything in it, and if so, we write a CSV fileC:\temp\Errors.csv
with all errors we have found
All done!