I have created Lex Chatbot and developed a website and integrated this Chatbot. Its working fine.But response cards in the form of buttons are not showing up.I got to know that I have to invoke it from lambda function.So I included the response card code .It works ,but after displaying the buttons it goes back and asks the first slot value again.I dont know where I am wrong
Here is the expected conversation.
Lex:Please provide me your eid
Lex:Choose one of the impact below:
1.low 2.high 3.medium (in form of buttons)
User clicks on low
Lex:Thanks,your ticket has been raised(expected)
What happens:
Lex:Please provide me your eid
Lex:Choose one of the impact below:
1.low 2.high 3.medium
User clicks on low
Lex:Please provide me your eid(goes back and asks the first slot value)
Here is my code:
import json
import logging
import re
import http.client
import mimetypes
logger = logging.getLogger()
def elicit_slot_response(output_session_attributes,intent_name,slot_to_elicit,message):
responses= {
'dialogAction': {
'type': 'ElicitSlot',
'message': {
'contentType': 'PlainText',
'content': message
'responseCard': {
'version': '0',
'contentType': 'application/vnd.amazonaws.card.generic',
'genericAttachments': [
'title': 'title1',
'subTitle': 'subtitle',
"text":"button 1",
"value":"value 1"
"text":"button 2",
"value":"value 2"
"text":"button 3",
"value":"value 3"
return responses
def close():
val= {
"content":"Hey your ticket has been raised"
return val
def lambda_handler(event, context):
val = ""
slots = event['currentIntent']['slots']
empidemployee= event['currentIntent']["slots"]["empidemployee"]
latestdesc= event['currentIntent']["slots"]["latestdesc"]
latestimpact= event['currentIntent']["slots"]["latestimpact"]
output_session_attributes = event['sessionAttributes'] if event['sessionAttributes'] is not None else {}
return val
The conversation flow restarts because in the ElicitSlot
response from the Lambda function containing the response cards, you are not returning the slots
parameter which would contain the slot values already taken as an input from the user.
So, include the slots
parameter in the response the value for which could be event['currentIntent']['slots']