Python Seaborn Chart - Shadow Area

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-07-21 19:04:01


Sorry to my noob question, but how can I add a shadow area/color between the upper and lower lines in a seaborn chart?

The primary code I've working on is the following:

palette = sns.color_palette("mako_r", 3)
sns.lineplot(x="Date", y="Value",  hue='Std_Type', style='Value_Type', sizes=(.25, 2.5), palette = palette, data=tbl4)

The idea is to get some effect like below (the example from seaborn website): But I could not replicate the effect although my data structure is pretty much in the same fashion as fmri (seaborn example)

from seaborn link:

 import seaborn as sns

 # Load an example dataset with long-form data
 fmri = sns.load_dataset("fmri")

 # Plot the responses for different events and regions
 sns.lineplot(x="timepoint", y="signal",
         hue="region", style="event",

Do you have some ideas? I tried to change the chart style, but if I go to a distplot or relplot, for example, the x_axis cannot show the timeframe...


Check this code:

# import
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
sns.set(style = 'darkgrid')

# data generation
time = pd.date_range(start = '2006-01-01', end = '2020-01-01', freq = 'M')
tbl4 = pd.DataFrame({'Date': time,
                     'down': 1 - 0.5*np.random.randn(len(time)),
                     'up': 4 + 0.5*np.random.randn(len(time))})

tbl4 = tbl4.melt(id_vars = 'Date',
                 value_vars = ['down', 'up'],
                 var_name = 'Std_Type',
                 value_name = 'Value')

# figure plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18,10))

sns.lineplot(ax = ax,
             x = 'Date',
             y = 'Value',
             hue = 'Std_Type',
             data = tbl4)

# fill area
plt.fill_between(x = tbl4[tbl4['Std_Type'] == 'down']['Date'],
                 y1 = tbl4[tbl4['Std_Type'] == 'down']['Value'],
                 y2 = tbl4[tbl4['Std_Type'] == 'up']['Value'],
                 alpha = 0.3,
                 facecolor = 'green')

which gives me this plot:

Since I do not have access to your data, I generated random ones. Replace them with yours.
The shadow area is done with plt.fill_between (documentation here), where you specify the x array (common to both curves), the upper and lower limits of the area as y1 and y2 and, optionally a color and its transparency with the facecolor and alpha parameters respectively.

You cannot do it through ci parameter, since it is used to show the confidence interval of your data.

