I'm using Promisekit 6 and have 3 functions defined, all of which return promises. the first fetches data from a local database and the second from an online API server. the third, Foo, checks if the data with a given id exists locally, otherwise it checks online and returns it.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to correctly chain the promises. Below is what I came up with thus far, but I'm not certain if creating a new promise is a good idea. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks :)
func daoClient.get(id: String) -> Promise<Any> {
return Promise { seal in
do {
let realm = try Realm()
if let data = realm.object(ofType: DataEntity.self, forPrimaryKey: id) {
} else {
seal.reject(Errors.DataError(error: "no data found with id \(id)"))
} catch {
func apiClient.get(id: String) -> Promise<swiftyJson.JSON> {
return self.oiRequestClient.request(self.endpoint, method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: nil)
.compactMap { (arg) -> JSON? in
let json = JSON(arg.json)
if let response = arg.response.response, response.statusCode > 399 {
let error = json["error"].dictionary?.description
throw Errors.NetWorkError(error: error)
} else {
return json
func Foo(id: String) -> Promise<Any> {
return Promise { seal in
.get(id: id)
.done { data in
}.recover { (error: Error) in
return self.apiClient
.get(id: id)
.done { data in
}.catch { error in
You are not handling error in "recover", that's a strange pattern imo, anyway it's better to not wrap promises like you did, and chain more "vertically" like this :
func Foo(id: String) -> Promise<Any> {
return firstly {
return daoClient.get(id: id)
}.compactMap { data in
return data
}.recover { _ -> Promise<swiftyJson.JSON> in
return self.apiClient.get(id: id)
}.compactMap { data in
return data
"return Promise { seal in" is only needed when you need to wrap non-promise asynchronous code