VEGA-lite is not perfect, but is very good, and in general for something that looks like a bug, there are a workaround... So I supposing that in this "bug" we have a workaround.
((edit after answer: it is not a real bug, is a "semantic bug" on the specification language))
The strange behaviour, a "semantic bug": I was using selection: { "grid": {"type":"interval", "bind":"scales"} }
for zoom, in a trivial context, with simple mark: 'line'
. When I add layer
, it stopts to work.
title: "Número de registros por minuto (n_count normalizado)",
$schema: vglVers,
data: { "url":"mySQLtable" },
selection: { "grid": {"type":"interval", "bind":"scales"} }, // was working with simple mark
//mark: 'line',
encoding: {
x: {"field": "instant", "type": "temporal"},
y: {"field": "n_pmin", "type": "quantitative"},
color: {"field": "symbol", "type": "nominal"}
layer: [
"mark": {"type": "line", "point": true},
"transform": [{"filter": "datum.symbol == 'n_pmin'"}]
{ "mark": {"type": "line"}, "transform": [{"filter": "datum.symbol != 'n_pmin'"}] }
The workaround: as @jakevdp commented here, "the interval selection must be added to one of the layers". But
How to do this "interval selection"?
The data on my chart is not static, I need a interval that changes with it, so, not make sense to set a interval.
The "interval selection" I referred to is the interval selection definition within your chart:
selection: { "grid": {"type":"interval", "bind":"scales"} }
You cannot declare it in the top-level chart; you must declare it in one of the layers:
title: "Número de registros por minuto (n_count normalizado)",
$schema: vglVers,
data: { "url":"mySQLtable" },
encoding: {
x: {"field": "instant", "type": "temporal"},
y: {"field": "n_pmin", "type": "quantitative"},
color: {"field": "symbol", "type": "nominal"}
layer: [
"mark": {"type": "line", "point": true},
"transform": [{"filter": "datum.symbol == 'n_pmin'"}],
"selection": {"grid": {"type":"interval", "bind":"scales"}},
"mark": {"type": "line"},
"transform": [{"filter": "datum.symbol != 'n_pmin'"}]
Your issue is not a bug, nor is my solution a workaround: the vega-lite schema specifies that selections must be declared within a unit spec (i.e. an individual layer).