I use gradle with the two plugins com.jfrog.artifactory
and io.swagger.core.v3.swagger-gradle-plugin
Now I want to configure as described here https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-core/tree/master/modules/swagger-gradle-plugin the generation of code. But it seems that the resolve
task has already been defined from artifactory. How do I adress the method of swagger-plugin directly?
This is in my build.gradle:
resolve {
outputFileName = 'bananas'
outputFileName = 'PetStoreAPI'
outputFormat = 'JSON'
prettyPrint = 'TRUE'
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
resourcePackages = ['io.test']
outputDir = file('test')
and this is the error message: Could not set unknown property 'outputFileName' for object of type org.jfrog.gradle.plugin.artifactory.dsl.ResolverConfig.
There is indeed a clash between Artifactory resolve
extension and Swagger plugin resolve
tasks (of type import io.swagger.v3.plugins.gradle.tasks.ResolveTask
One way to solve this is to reference the swagger tasks explicitly using fully-qualified name, as follows:
io.swagger.v3.plugins.gradle.tasks.ResolveTask swaggerResolve = tasks.getByName("resolve")
swaggerResolve.configure {
outputFileName = 'PetStoreAPI'
outputFormat = 'JSON'
prettyPrint = 'TRUE'
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
resourcePackages = ['io.test']
outputDir = file('test')
EDIT Simpler solution , see Lukas's comment
tasks.resolve {
outputFileName = 'PetStoreAPI'
// ....