I have a .ts
(not .tsx
) file which just exports a json object like
const obj = {
img1: gql_img1,
img2: gql_img2
I want gq1_img1
and gq1_img2
to be the results of a graphql query
I found a solution which uses Apollo Client, but it doesn't look like they're using Gatsby and I don't think Gatsby uses a client.
The problem with using useStaticQuery
is that it's a hook, if I try to use it like in the snippet below, I get "Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons:"
const gql = () => {
const gql = useStaticQuery(graphql
`query adQuery {
invoiceNinja300x250: file(
extension: {regex: "/(jpg)|(jpeg)|(png)/"},
name: {eq: "IN-300x250-2"}
childImageSharp {
fluid(maxWidth: 250) {
invoiceNinja600x300: file(
extension: {regex: "/(jpg)|(jpeg)|(png)/"},
name: {eq: "IN-600x300-2"}
childImageSharp {
fluid(maxWidth: 250) {
return gql
const GQL = gql()
Like I mentioned in your reddit post, if you're not using a page query or static query, you'll need Apollo Client or some other gql client.
I found a solution which uses Apollo Client, but it doesn't look like they're using Gatsby and I don't think Gatsby uses a client.
Gatsby and GraphQL clients are different things. Gatsby is a React framework for building static websites and uses graphQL to fetch data in various ways. A GraphQL client is much like fetch or axios, they are libraries used to request, post, update, delete data from a REST API.
Can you explain your use case a bit? Maybe there is a more Gatsby way of doing it.
Have you considered the React Context API? On the production Gatsby app I work on that's what we use for global variables like some JSON/object data. It allows you in some sort of high level/layout/data layer component to stuff some values you get from a different file into your app to use with other components.