How to read JSONArray in FTL file?

随声附和 提交于 2020-06-28 16:33:06


I have the below JSON object hardcoded in my Java file

    JSONObject notificationInfoJson = new JSONObject();
    notificationInfoJson.put("title", "Payment Received");
    notificationInfoJson.put("firstName", "Bhuvan");
    notificationInfoJson.put("lastName", "Aggarwal");
    notificationInfoJson.put("accountId", "111");
    notificationInfoJson.put("paymentId", "555");

    JSONArray accounts = new JSONArray();
    for(int i=1; i<=2; i++) {
      JSONObject account = new JSONObject();
      account.put("accountId", 1000 + i);
      account.put("paymentId", 1000 + i);
    notificationInfoJson.put("accounts", accounts);

// passing the below json in the template as input
        JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
        data.put("notificationInfo", notificationInfoJson);

Json formed as:

  "title": "Payment Received",
  "firstName": "Bhuvan",
  "lastName": "Aggarwal",
  "accountId": "111",
  "paymentId": "555",
  "accounts": [
      "accountId": 1001,
      "paymentId": 1001
      "accountId": 1002,
      "paymentId": 1002

Can you please tell me how to read the Json array in FTL file?

FTL file:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
        <div class="page">
            <p>Dear ${notificationInfo.firstName} ${notificationInfo.lastName}</p>
            <p>Your payment has been received for the following accounts</p>

            <#list notificationInfo.accounts?keys as account>
                <p>Account ID: ${account.accountId}</p>
                <p>Payment ID: ${account.paymentId}</p>

            <p>Thank you!</p>


2018-08-16 16:59:29,929 [                          main] runtime                        ERROR Error executing FreeMarker template
FreeMarker template error:
For "." left-hand operand: Expected a hash, but this has evaluated to a string (wrapper: f.t.SimpleScalar):
==> account  [in template "payment-received.ftl" at line 12, column 34]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
    - Failed at: ${account.accountId}  [in template "payment-received.ftl" at line 12, column 32]

Java stack trace (for programmers):
freemarker.core.NonHashException: [... Exception message was already printed; see it above ...]
    at freemarker.core.Dot._eval(
    at freemarker.core.Expression.eval(
    at freemarker.core.Expression.evalAndCoerceToString(
    at freemarker.core.DollarVariable.accept(
    at freemarker.core.Environment.visit(
    at freemarker.core.MixedContent.accept(
    at freemarker.core.Environment.visitByHiddingParent(
    at freemarker.core.IteratorBlock$IterationContext.executeNestedBlockInner(
    at freemarker.core.IteratorBlock$IterationContext.executeNestedBlock(
    at freemarker.core.IteratorBlock$IterationContext.accept(
    at freemarker.core.Environment.visitIteratorBlock(
    at freemarker.core.IteratorBlock.acceptWithResult(
    at freemarker.core.IteratorBlock.accept(
    at freemarker.core.Environment.visit(
    at freemarker.core.MixedContent.accept(
    at freemarker.core.Environment.visit(
    at freemarker.core.Environment.process(
    at freemarker.template.Template.process(
    at com.amdocs.bil.notification.beans.TemplateEngine.generateMessage(
    at com.amdocs.bil.notification.TestTemplateEngine.testTemplateEngine(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
    at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
    at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
    at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
    at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
    at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
    at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
    at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
    at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
    at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
    at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
    at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(
    at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(
    at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main(
2018-08-16 16:59:29,936 [                          main] TemplateEngine                 ERROR TemplateEngine.generateMessage: freemarker.core.NonHashException: For "." left-hand operand: Expected a hash, but this has evaluated to a string (wrapper: f.t.SimpleScalar):
==> account  [in template "payment-received.ftl" at line 12, column 34]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
    - Failed at: ${account.accountId}  [in template "payment-received.ftl" at line 12, column 32]


I figured out that I have to use the below code in FTL file

notificationInfo.accounts will call JSONObject.get("accounts"), as FreeMarker knows the get(key) convention. The result of that is a JSONArray. But that doesn't implement List or anything familiar, so FreeMarker doesn't know how to list it.

Use the below code:

<#assign accounts = notificationInfo.accounts>
<#list 0 ..< accounts.length() as i>
   <p>Account ID: ${accounts.get(i).accountId} </p>
   <p>Payment ID: ${accounts.get(i).paymentId} </p>


Better way is to write your CustomObjectWrapper and set the ObjectWrapper in configuration. Thanks to @ddekany for suggestion

cfg.setObjectWrapper(new JSONArrayObjectWrapper());

    public class JSONArrayObjectWrapper extends DefaultObjectWrapper {

    public TemplateModel handleUnknownType (Object obj) throws TemplateModelException {

        if (obj instanceof JSONArray) {
            return new JSONArraySequenceModel((JSONArray) obj);

        return super.handleUnknownType(obj);

    public class JSONArraySequenceModel implements TemplateSequenceModel {

        private JSONArray jsonArray;

        public JSONArraySequenceModel(JSONArray jsonArray) {
            this.jsonArray = jsonArray;

        public TemplateModel get(int index) throws TemplateModelException {
            TemplateModel model = null;
            try {

                model = wrap(jsonArray.get(index));
            } catch (JSONException e) {
            return model;

        public int size() throws TemplateModelException {
            return jsonArray.length();




org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray doesn't extend/implement any "standard" type (like java.util.List), so out-of-the-box it won't be seen as a listable value by FreeMarker. However, templates don't directly rely on java.util.List and such, but on TemplateModel-s. In FreeMarker there's an ObjectWrapper that wraps all objects into TemplateModel-s, and templates only see the wrapped objects. Thus, what's listable is decided by the ObjectWrapper. So, the steps of the solution are:

  1. Implement a TemplateSequenceModel that wraps (delegates to) a JSONArray. (Sometimes it's useful to also implement WrapperTemplateModel and AdapterTemplateModel, but it's optional.)

  2. Extend freemarker.template.DefaultObjectWrapper and override handleUnknownType, and if you get a JSONArray there then wrap it into your TemplateSequenceModel implementation. (See the handleUnknownType method of DefaultObjectWrapper itself as an example.)

  3. Set the object_wrapper setting of the configuration (for example via Configuration.setObjectWrapper) to an instance of your ObjectWrapper class.

Now <#list notificationInfo.accounts as account> should work.


Json input File:

  "title": "Payment Received",
  "firstName": "vijay",
  "lastName": "dwivedi",
  "accountId": "123",
  "paymentId": "456",
  "accounts": [
      "accountId": 0001,
      "paymentId": 1001
      "accountId": 0002,
      "paymentId": 2002
      "accountId": 0003,
      "paymentId": 3003

Smook_config file:

To access json array need to use array_node.element

 <smooks-resource-list xmlns="" xmlns:json="" xmlns:ftl="">

            <param name="stream.filter.type">SAX</param>
            <param name="default.serialization.on">false</param>

        <json:reader rootName="json" keyWhitspaceReplacement="_">
                <json:key from="date&amp;time" to="date_and_time" />

        <resource-config selector="json">

        <ftl:freemarker applyOnElement="json"> *<!-- Json is Root Element for request -->*
                    <#list json.accounts.element as ali_accounts>

                          "accountId": "${ali_accounts.accountId}"
                          "paymentId": "${ali_accounts.paymentId}"




