Android data binding - cannot find getter for <> that accepts parameter type 'long'

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-06-28 02:51:17


I have been using data binding for the past few weeks and now am trying to use a two way data binding for a custom view with a 'value' attribute.

My problem is that I get the following error when building.

Cannot find a getter for <com.twisthenry8gmail.dragline.DraglineView app:value> that accepts parameter type 'long'

Now it was my understanding that the binding library will automatically use my public setters and getters however the most confusing part is adding a redundant inverse binding adapter seems to solve the problem? So I get the impression that it is using my setter without needing an adapter but this is not the case for the getter?

If someone could shed some light on this, or generally how the binding works in this instance it would be much appreciated. Here is my relevant code, please ask if you have any questions!

My custom view

class DraglineView(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) : View(context, attrs) {

    var value = 0L
        set(value) {

            draggedValue = value
            field = value


My view in the layout file

    app:value="@={}" />

My seemingly redundant adapter

@InverseBindingAdapter(attribute = "value")
fun getValueTest(draglineView: DraglineView): Long {

    return draglineView.value

My attribute changed adapter

fun setDraglineListener(draglineView: DraglineView, listener: InverseBindingListener) {

    draglineView.valueChangedListener = {



The problem is that databinding system doesn't know when the view changes the value.

InverseBindingAdapter not only describes how to retrieve the value from the view, but it also defines an optional event property which will receive an InverseBindingListener instance. The default event name is the attribute name suffixed with "AttrChanged".

Now let's look at your setDraglineListener() adapter. It processes valueAttrChanged attribute added by InverseBindingAdapter and receives InverseBindingListener. The only thing is left is to notify the listener when the value is changed by calling listener.onChange();

