Use GitLab API from a GitLabCI build script

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-06-24 08:21:27


I have a GitLab CI build script like this:

create release:
  stage: deploy
    - basic
    - tags
    - GITLOG=$(echo "# Changes Log"; git log `git tag | tail -2 | head -1`..${CI_BUILD_TAG} --pretty=format:" - %s")
    - curl -X POST -d "private_token=$CI_BUILD_TOKEN&description=$GITLOG" "${CI_PROJECT_ID}/repository/tags/${CI_BUILD_TAG}/release"

The purpose of this step is to automatically add a Changes Log from Git in the GitLab Releases section.

That works if I manually run this on the command line and put in the variables...

The problem is that the value of CI_BUILD_TOKEN in the build runner isn't a valid GitLab Private Token - it's only a token to connect to the Docker Registry - as per the documentation.

Is there a way to get a valid GitLab API token that the build runner can use to access the API for the project it's running a build for? Seems like this should be possible.

GitLab Runner:

gitlab-runner -v
Version:      1.2.0
Git revision: 3a4fcd4
Git branch:   HEAD
GO version:   go1.6.2
Built:        Sun, 22 May 2016 20:05:30 +0000
OS/Arch:      linux/amd64


You can have read-only access with the API from the runner, but only if you add a header with the CI_JOB_TOKEN.



And only when the project is public with everyone has access from the same project.

If you want access to private projects as well and/or write access, please up-vote GitLab issue #29566 and/or #41084.

As an alternative for the time being, you can create an access token on gitlab, and add it to the secret variables, under project settings/ci_cd although not really advised to do as your personal access token will be used by everyone who trigger the job.


Did you try to use the Secret Variables? You can define in the settings and then use in your build script.

