Really strange issue here. I have a 64bit copy of Python 3.8.1 on my Mac (Catalina 10.15.2). I have successfully installed pygame via pip3 install pygame
. Every time I run Python3 and import pygame, I get the successful message of hello from the pygame community...
However, if I run any program that requires an import of pygame, the icon for my python launcher just loops and loads for an infinite amount of time. I get no error messages. I literally get nothing. No opened windows. Just a blank line on the terminal (and IDLE terminal) window after the hello from the...
I have on my Mac taskbar a bouncing icon of Python, indicating that it is loading. But nothing happens? I've tested this on every instance of a pygame program with no success. Even the Aliens example embedded within the program does not work.
I had the same issue. Did this in Terminal:
python3 -m pip install pygame==2.0.0.dev6
and in PyCharm I installed pygame package once more into project interpreter with "Specify version" option selected for a specific version: 2.0.0.dev6
Then it started working.