Azure container instances (ACI) deployment to virtual network fails (region: westeurope)

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-06-16 17:24:20


my ACI deployment to a virtual network (target subnet is delegated to container instances) stopped working over the week-end with a strange error message:

"The requested resource is not available in the location 'westeurope' at this moment. Please retry with a different resource request or in another location. Resource requested: '1' CPU '1.5' GB memory 'Linux' OS virtual network"

Here is the deployment script:

az container create --resource-group $(resourceGroupName) --name $(containerName) --image $(image) --cpu 1 --memory 1 --registry-login-server $(registryServer) --registry-username $(registryUsername) --registry-password $(registryPassword) --ports $(port) --vnet $(vnet) --subnet $(subnet) --command-line "..."

Also the manual deployment does not work - it allows me to select all the options accordingly but faily during the deployment with the above error message.

According to the docs at deployment to virtual networks should work fine for ACIs in westeurope. Last Thursday it worked fine. Do you have any ideas? Many thanks in advance.

Edit: leaving out the --vnet and --subnet options makes the deployment work. But this cannot be the solution as I need the container instance deployed within the specified subnet.


I would recommend to reach out to Azure Support, this might be running out of capacity temporarily.

Also, have a look at creating Quota Request, asking for ACI quota in westeurope.

