my ACI deployment to a virtual network (target subnet is delegated to container instances) stopped working over the week-end with a strange error message:
"The requested resource is not available in the location 'westeurope' at this moment. Please retry with a different resource request or in another location. Resource requested: '1' CPU '1.5' GB memory 'Linux' OS virtual network"
Here is the deployment script:
az container create --resource-group $(resourceGroupName) --name $(containerName) --image $(image) --cpu 1 --memory 1 --registry-login-server $(registryServer) --registry-username $(registryUsername) --registry-password $(registryPassword) --ports $(port) --vnet $(vnet) --subnet $(subnet) --command-line "..."
Also the manual deployment does not work - it allows me to select all the options accordingly but faily during the deployment with the above error message.
According to the docs at https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/azure/container-instances/container-instances-region-availability deployment to virtual networks should work fine for ACIs in westeurope. Last Thursday it worked fine. Do you have any ideas? Many thanks in advance.
Edit: leaving out the --vnet
and --subnet
options makes the deployment work. But this cannot be the solution as I need the container instance deployed within the specified subnet.
I would recommend to reach out to Azure Support, this might be running out of capacity temporarily.
Also, have a look at creating Quota Request, asking for ACI quota in westeurope.