I want to use this feature
the simplest thing like in the example does not work for me:
lateinit val foo = 1
val bar = foo::lateinitVar.isInitialized()
But I am getting
unresolved reference lateinitVar
I am using Kotlin 1.2.10 via gradle in Android-Studio (also the Kotlin 1.2.10 plugin installed there)
There’s no variable with name lateinitVar
in your code, thus the error. Look at the example again:
There’s a variable lateinitVar
defined in this
, which the function is called on. The code snippet in the example can be expanded (little plus sign at the beginning of the listing) and looks as follows:
class Foo {
lateinit var lateinitVar: String
fun initializationLogic() {
println("isInitialized before assignment: " + this::lateinitVar.isInitialized)
lateinitVar = "value"
println("isInitialized after assignment: " + this::lateinitVar.isInitialized)
This might make it more clear.
Also, be aware that lateinit
can’t be applied to val
but only var