I've a challenge.
How to recursively dive through deeply nested typescript models? And map those deep paths as an object [key: value].
where key - is the column name or an identifiable name & value is the path (depth ) traversed.
what I mean by depth is this someObject.level1.level2.level3.level4... Like that.
Imagine I have a couple of Typescript Interfaces (all external files).
One Interface Pointing to another then the other & so On.
export interface University {
name: string;
type: string;
locationDetails: Location;
revenue: Revenue;
departments: Departments[];
collegesUnder: Colleges[];
status: boolean;
Here is the interface describing Location
export interface Location {
street: string;
state: string;
postCode: number;
Here is the interface describing a Department
export interface Departments {
name: string;
category: string;
coursesOffered: Courses[];
Here is the interface describing a College
export interface College {
collegeName: string;
collegeLocation: Location;
coursesOffered: Courses[];
studentsEnrolled: Students[];
Here is the interface describing a Student
export interface Student {
studentName: string;
department: Department;
course: Course;
age: number;
address: string;
otherInfo: OtherInfo;
Here is the interface describing a Course
export interface Course {
name: string;
classifiedUnder: string;
subCourses: Course[];
So as you can there are a bunch of typescript files. All of them are separate files & are named by the convention interfaceName.model.ts. interfaceName corresponds to each Interface Identifier Name. The frontent is being developed using Angular.
I will be getting json data from a server which contains the infos of universities. & all these datas will be shown as a table(without any nesting).
On top of each headers I will have an input field & as the use types in the table filters out.
In order to search deeply I will have to access the deeply nested paths of these models. And I will have to do that separately for each type of search requests.
& whenever some property is added newly in any of these interfaces, I will have to come & make changes accordingly.
So I come up with a solution:
to map each column name with the depth of the object:
For example if the user searches in the column of Student Name:
return universities.filter(university => {
retrurn university.colleges.some(college => {
return college.students.some(student => {
return student.name
So my idea is to map each column name with each depths so that I can access it directly:
like this:
searchMap = {
universityName: university.name,
universityType: university.type;
universityLocationStreet: university.location.street;
universityLocationState: university.location.state;
universityLocationPostcode: university.location.postcode;
... Like so...
studentsName: university[i].colleges[j].students[k].student.name
// see how the nesting goes on...
So the point is that if any changes occur in the typescript.model.ts files (in future if they make any changes to the properties) I want to manage it automatically.
So I want to find a solution to recursively crawl through these typescript interfaces (which are all external & will be imported inside the type definitions) & make a searchMap (depth map) object out of it.