how to enable autoscrolling in perfect-scrollbar with angular 4?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-06-11 00:39:36


documentation is not being very helpful here. I want to use the perfect scroll-bar in my application so that I bypass issues of compatibility with all browsers. I initialized my code exactly as described here . This is what I did in my html

<perfect-scrollbar id="chat" [config]="config"> <li *ngFor="let message of messages"> {{messages}} <li> </perfect-scrollbar>

now for each new message I want the container to autoscroll to the latest message. Reading further the documentation I found that there'are directives to call events. that is described at the end of the document I linked earlier. So my approach has been the following in the same component:

import {PerfectScrollbarComponent } from 'ngx-perfect-scrollbar';

constructor(private scrollbar:PerfectScrollbarComponent) { }

  ngDoCheck() {
    var chat = document.getElementById('chat');

This gives me an error because it's expecting PerfectScrollbarComponent to be a provider. After I do that, I get another error No provider for ElementRef!.

I am loosing my sleep over this. Can anyone suggest a suggestion on how to implement autoscrolling with perfectscrollbar in angular 4? Thank you in advance


I also spent a lot of time on this and solved this problem as follows:


<perfect-scrollbar class="window__list">


import { PerfectScrollbarComponent } from 'ngx-perfect-scrollbar';

export class ChatWindowComponent implements OnInit {
   // Linking to component that using perfect-scrollbar
   @ViewChild(PerfectScrollbarComponent) public directiveScroll: PerfectScrollbarComponent;
   constructor() { }
   toBottom(): void {
     if (isUndefined(this.directiveScroll)) return;
     this.directiveScroll.directiveRef.scrollToBottom(0, 100)


PerfectScrollbarComponent is a component as the name suggests, so instead of injecting it, you need to get a reference to it using @ViewChild

scrollbar?: PerfectScrollbarComponent;

Assuming the latest message appear at the bottom of the list, you can use scrollToBottom method available on the directiveRef

this.scrollbar.directiveRef.scrollToBottom(0, 500);  // 500ms is the speed


PS is not a component in my solution, All of these solutions didn't work for me. I've fixed like below

scrollUp(): void {
  const container = document.querySelector('.main-panel');
  container.scrollTop = 0;

