Creating expression tree for accessing a Generic type's property

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-06-10 02:53:29


I need to write a generic method which takes the instance of the generic type and the property name in string format and return an Expression tree

I need to convert a simple lambda expression

a => a.SomePropertyName

where a is generic type which will have a property by the name SomePropertyName

I know that we can get the property information using the following reflection code

System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propInfo = a.GetType().GetProperty("SomePropertyName");

This might be very simple, but I'm not well versed with Expression trees, If there is a similar question, please link it and close this


Assuming the parameter type and return type aren't known in advance, you may have to use some object, but fundamentally this is just:

var p = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
var expr = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object>>(
             Expression.Convert(p, a.GetType()), propName), typeof(object)), p);

If the input and output types are known, you can tweak the Func<,> parameters, and maybe remove the Expression.Convert. At the extreme end you can get a lambda without knowing the signature of lambda, via:

var p = Expression.Parameter(a.GetType());
var expr = Expression.Lambda(Expression.PropertyOrField(p, propName), p);


You can use this:

var p = Expression.Parameter(a.GetType(), "x");
var body = Expression.Property(p, "SomePropertyName");

Expression.Lambda(body, p);

