I'm currently testing a microcontroller (azure sphere) that captures clicks 1/20th of a second but there are clicks in between that are missed when clicking very fast. I want to capture the clicks at half the time. How can I improve this code to capture each and every click?
Here is part of the code.
const struct timespec sleepTime = { 0, 100000000};
while (true) {
GPIO_Value_Type value;
GPIO_GetValue(button_A_fd, &value);
"Button value (%d)\n", value);
// Processing the button.
//Turns LED ON; Button not pressed down
if (value == BUTTON_UNPRESSED) {
last_button_state = BUTTON_UNPRESSED;
else {
// if last button state is 1 then now it is being pressed
if (last_button_state == BUTTON_UNPRESSED) {
// Flip LEDs
if (active_led == BLUE_LED) {
active_led = GREEN_LED;
else if (active_led == GREEN_LED) {
active_led = BLUE_LED;
last_button_state = BUTTON_PRESSED;
// sets the pointer to the 0 bit of the file to write
lseek(fd_storage, 0, SEEK_SET);
write(fd_storage, &active_led, sizeof(active_led));
//wouldn't it be more for loops to catch button states faster?
// Blinking the active LED.
// reading input only when pressed and turn off other led
if (active_led == GREEN_LED) {
GPIO_SetValue(blue_led_fd, GPIO_Value_High);
GPIO_SetValue(green_led_fd, GPIO_Value_Low);
nanosleep(&sleepTime, NULL);
GPIO_SetValue(green_led_fd, GPIO_Value_High);
nanosleep(&sleepTime, NULL);
else if (active_led == BLUE_LED) {
GPIO_SetValue(green_led_fd, GPIO_Value_High);
GPIO_SetValue(blue_led_fd, GPIO_Value_Low);
nanosleep(&sleepTime, NULL);
GPIO_SetValue(blue_led_fd, GPIO_Value_High);
nanosleep(&sleepTime, NULL);
How can I make the button capture all clicks? Thank you.