Why total users differ in Google analytics when using dimensions?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-06-01 06:21:56


I tried analytics query using https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/query-explorer/

Issue happens when I'm adding dimensions in the query. I need to query data for some dimensions and need to save in my database.

Query 1

Result 1

Query 2

Answer 2

I am saving the second queried data to the database.

So when I need the total users for a particular date, here 2025-05-26, its 277 from Second query.

but the actual value showing 275 which is from query 1.

How can I handle this?


The fact that the number of users is different in the 2 requests is normal.

The question is that there are actually 275 users for the selected period, however with the dimension of the medium the report is telling you that one from organic and once from cpc. Infact, the number of sessions is the same in both cases, but the users no so users cannot be added together.

