Inference problem using a tflite model java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid output Tensor index: 1

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-06-01 05:43:25


Input and output shape Java exception how did you solve this exception please java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid output Tensor index: 1. i converted a yolov3-tiny model i changed the NUM_DETECTION into 2535 (NUM_DETECTION=2535) because the input shape is (1,416,416,6) and the output shape is (1,2535,6). I ve trained the model on license plates so it can detect them. like i said i've worked with the yolov3-tiny version with darknet, so i converted it to pb file then tflite file so i can use in an android app and detect plates in real time

