Defaulting to user input using a lambda when parameter is not explicitly passed

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-05-29 09:36:09


I wrote the following code (Still wondering about its uses...) to default to user input if the parameter is not passed.

#include <iostream>

unsigned getInput() {
    unsigned input;
    std::cin >> input;
    return input;

void foo(unsigned number = getInput()) {
    std::cout << number << "\n";

int main() {
    foo(1); //prints 1
    foo();  //defaults to user input    
    return 0;

What I wanted to ask was, is there any way we can convert the getInput() function to a lambda? Something on the lines of

void foo(unsigned number = { []() {unsigned num = 0; std::cin >> num; return num; } }) {
    std::cout << number << "\n";

Also, how does one achieve similar functionality in python?


Yes, you can use a lambda. What you need to do is call the lambda after you define it like

void foo(unsigned number = []() {unsigned num = 0; std::cin >> num; return num; }()) 
//                         ^                   define lambda                    ^^^
//                                                               call lambda_____|


Sure, but you are missing the call to the lambda:

void foo(unsigned number = [] {
               unsigned num = 0; 
               std::cin >> num; 
               return num; 
              }()   // <- call here
    std::cout << number << "\n";

