I have this form where I get the info of a user, the user has been saved with a location correctly.
But when i try to update it, it gives me this error back:
> Can't extract geo keys: { _id: ObjectId('5c4eb6c94f59c09ee7490ee0'),
> salt:
> "d0ca72b02426c59da828fd65fff93e94ed7c4529f46db883c1f1cfa406be92ce",
> hash:
> "442a59e8ef32f4d309a1d2a71575c11a6d382e514d75f010e1228e8156ffa8ce71b7451c34b09319780744cc3e50e74e2e25d9ff75e8c7519087bddfa32b906801ed287ded16897c90ac15...",
> email: "jorgeantonio82@gmail.com", name: "Jorge", location: {
> coordinates: [ 13.42493130000003, 52.50074619999999 ], address:
> "Naunynstraße 81, Berlin, Germany" }, created: new
> Date(1548662473107), genres: null, props: [], __v: 0, musicLink:
> "soundcloud" } unknown GeoJSON type: { coordinates: [
> 13.42493130000003, 52.50074619999999 ], address: "Naunynstraße 81, Berlin, Germany" }
My user has all the stuff i think it needs:
const userSchema = new Schema({
email: {
type: String,
unique: true,
lowercase: true,
trim: true,
validate: [validator.isEmail, 'Invalid Email Address'],
required: 'Please Supply an email address'
name: {
type: String,
required: 'Please supply a name',
trim: true
resetPasswordToken: String,
resetPasswordExpires: Date,
props: [
{ type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }
// New stuff
slug: String,
genres: [String],
musicLink: String,
created: {
type: Date,
default: Date.now
location: {
type: {
type: String,
default: 'Point'
coordinates: [{
type: Number,
required: 'You must supply coordinates!'
address: {
type: String,
required: 'You must supply an address!'
photo: String,
userSchema.index({ location: '2dsphere' })
And when i save it there is a controller that pushes only certain stuff to update the user:
exports.updateAccount = async (req, res) => {
const updates = {
name: req.body.name,
email: req.body.email,
musicLink: req.body.musicLink,
genres: req.body.tags,
location: {
address: req.body.location.address,
coordinates: [
console.log('coordinates: ', updates.location.coordinates)
const user = await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: req.user._id },
{ $set: updates },
{ new: true, runValidators: true, context: 'query' }
req.flash('success', 'Updated the profile!');
Any idea what might be the issue?
As specified in Mongoose docs (and in the underlying standard for the GeoJSON format), a geometry object must contain a "geometry type" with a value of one of
seven case-sensitive strings: "Point", "MultiPoint", "LineString", "MultiLineString", "Polygon", "MultiPolygon", and "GeometryCollection"
The error message
unknown GeoJSON type: { coordinates: [13.42493130000003, 52.50074619999999 ]
refers to the missing type property in the object. Include type
to avoid the error:
{type: "Point", coordinates: [13.42493130000003, 52.50074619999999 ]}