I am building an iOS app using PJSIP library with H264 support. When building H264, I get 1 .a file and 2 .dylib files. I tried to use the .dylibs in my project by adding as "Embedded Libraries" and also by creating a separate framework and then adding it to "Embedded Libraries". But when uploading build to App Store, I'm getting errors "ERROR ITMS-90206:...", "ERROR ITMS-90171:..". All points to using external dynamic libraries in project. I followed https://developer.apple.com/library/content/technotes/tn2435/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40017543-CH1-TROUBLESHOOTING_BUNDLE_ERRORS-EMBEDDED__DYLIB_FILES
But they are asking to follow steps in "Adding A Framework Target". I cant figure out how to create a framework with only 2 .dylib files and no other source code or header files. Please show the steps for embedding .dylib files into iOS app for App Store submission.
You must add and embed all your shared libraries (.dylib files) directly to the toplevel application the same way as frameworks. You mustn't put dylibs inside a framework because Apple strongly recommends not to use such frameworks (known as Umbrella frameworks) and doesn't accept applications with such frameworks to AppStore (it is a reason for error ITMS-90171).
As Apple documentation says:
An umbrella framework is a framework bundle that contains other frameworks. While it is possible to create umbrella frameworks for macOS apps, doing so is unnecessary for most developers and is not recommended. Umbrella frameworks are not supported on iOS, watchOS, or tvOS.