How can Add Area in razor pages on dot net core 3.0/3.1?

前提是你 提交于 2020-05-13 11:41:39


I want to add areas in core 3.1 in Razor Pages, but Microsoft documents are for asp dot net core 2.2, and they want to create a new report in January 2020!. Does somebody know how to add areas to the core 3.1?

I searched a lot on Google but couldn't find an answer.

in _AdminLayout :

        <a asp-area="Channel" asp-page="Index" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-padding"><i class="fad fa-cog"></i>&nbsp; تنظیمات آپارات</a>
        <a asp-page="Channel/Index" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-padding"><i class="fad fa-cog"></i>&nbsp; تنظیمات آپارات</a>

asp-area="Channel" asp-page="Index" not work and even don't create url when clicked on current page refresh, but asp-page="Channel/Index" work

and in Index (channel index)

@page "{area?}"
@model Aparat.Web.Areas.Channel.Pages.IndexModel
    Layout = "_AdminLayout";



It works well when I add areas using below steps.

Create a brand new core 3.0/3.1 Web Application,in Channel area, right click Pages folder, select Add -> New Item -> Razor Page and create Index.cshtml, you will get

Your Index.cshtml does not seems to be Razor Pages structure like mine from your provided picture.


@model WebApplication1.Areas.Channel.Pages.IndexModel

<h1>Hello from Channel Area</h1>


namespace WebApplication1.Areas.Channel.Pages
    public class IndexModel : PageModel
        public void OnGet()

Test link:

<a asp-area="Channel" asp-page="Index">TestRedirect</a>

