Hi I have an application which has a grid and a js video player. Currently I am populating the grid with data from a SQL database, I have a function call when ever a row is clicked which calls a stored procedure and returns a url i then use that url to change the source change the source. The funny thing is with a basic html 5 video player the code i have works fine but doesn't work for Video JS
My code -
function changesource(url) {
var video = $("#vid1");
video.src = url;
document.getElementById('vid1').src = url;
// calls the function for browse
function getBrowseData() {
type: "post",
data: JSON.stringify({
archive_header_Key: testdata,
url: "/Search.aspx/GetBrowseData",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
success: function (object) {
complete: function (object) {
error: function (object) {
function response(object) {
var obj = (object.d[0]["browse_file"]);
var slashReplace = obj.replace(/\\/g, "/");
var slashFinal = slashReplace.substring(10);
var browsevalue = GetValue("BrowseServer");
var slashfinal = "http://" + browsevalue + ":5060" + slashFinal;
Location = slashfinal;
var Video = ("<video id='vid1' class='video-js vjs-default-skin' controls preload='none' width='640' height='264' data-setup='{}'><source src=" + Location + " type='video/mp4'/></video> <script>var options = { hidden: false }, mplayer = videojs('vid1'); mplayer.rangeslider(options); mplayer.showSlider();</script>");
Any help would be appreciated
If you're using video.js you need to use its API to set the source. The HTML5 video API does not work as once the video.js player is initialised the element with the id vid
is not a video element.
var video = videojs("vid1");
Video.js will infer the type of video for a few file extensions, but it's better to include the type:
type: 'video/mp4',
src: 'https://example.com/myvideo.mp4'