I recently came across : PageSpeed Insights, it basically test your page speed, spit out a score, and display what cause your page to slow-down.
I enter my url and here is my : result.
I clearly don't have a lot score, but I'm working on improving them.
I got a lot of image optimization problems. I've tried 2 things. __
1.Use ImageOptim Software
I've tried using ImageOptim Mac Software to optimize all my images in my img/
2.Use grunt imagemin plug-in
On top of that I , I use a build tool to re-compress all my images
in my img/
folder, and store the compress one in dist/img/
imagemin: {
dynamic: {
options: {
optimizationLevel: 3,
svgoPlugins: [{ removeViewBox: false }],
use: [mozjpeg()]
files: [{
expand: true, // Enable dynamic expansion
cwd: 'img', // Src matches are relative to this path
src: ['**/**/**/*.{png,jpg,gif,ico}'], // Actual patterns to match
dest: 'dist/img' // Destination path prefix
Imagemin Result
Luckily, I got all my 104 images reduce down 4.11MB
Re-Test Result
But sadly, after re-linking my entire page to new images directory dist/img/
. I test my site again with PageSpeed Insights, I still got the same warning image optimization.
How can I can fix/improve this problem ?
Is it because I set the optimizationLevel: 3
too low ?
Any approach / idea / strategy / better solution / suggestion ?
Thanks a lot !
I would recommend optimizing your images beforehand using one of these tools:
- FileOptimizer It uses multiple tools to make your images as small as possible.
JPEG (All Platforms)
- MozJPEG (by Mozilla)
PNG (All Platforms)
- PNGQuant, especially the web fronted for it: TinyPNG (careful lossy!)
You could consider using a PageSpeed server module. Those are able to automatically apply image optimization and thereby satisfy PageSpeed Insights recommendations. See https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/module and https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/module/faq#other-servers for availability.
There is nothing wrong in using imagemin.
The problem is about css based resizing. If the natual img size is 150px and the css is squeezing it inside a 100px box, google wants you to resize the img to 100px.