How to navigate to a new bootstap 4 tab on the same page from a sidebar link?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-04-17 21:41:29


I'm unable to get sidebar links to navigate to bootstrap 4 tabs on the center page using this technique. Here is the javascript in my _SidebarLayout.cshtml:

    function selectTabNamedInUrlHash() {
        let selectedTab = window.location.hash;
        $('.nav-link[href="' + selectedTab + '"]').trigger('click');

    jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {

A sidebar anchor links to the page and adds a fragment (hash) to the href of the tab I want to navigate to (url end: SPC#SpcFilm). The sidebar link also calls the above function.

<a onclick="selectTabNamedInUrlHash();" asp-page="/SPC/Index" asp-fragment="SpcFilm">Film</a>

On Index.cshtml the Bootstrap 4 tab is identified by href="#SpcFilm" This solution works when navigating to a new page, but it's not working when navigating to another tab on the same page.


I'm answering my own question here with the help of a coworker. Use the hashchange event of modern browsers (which is recognized by jQuery) to select the tab. In Bootstrap 4 tabs are activated using data-toggle="tab" or data-toggle="pill". So the only script needed is:

    $(window).on('hashchange ready', function () {
        let selectedTab = window.location.hash;
        $('a[href="' + selectedTab + '"][data-toggle="tab"]').trigger('click');

Each sidebar link contains a hash matching a desired tab's href. When the sidebar link is clicked the jQuery above triggers a click on the tab thus opening the tab on the page.

Note: Be sure to remove onclick="selectTabNamedInUrlHash();" from the sidebar links and remove the corresponding function as it is no longer needed and may interfere with the solution.

