This is my code to login using facebook to a website I'm automating:
const loginButton = await page.waitForXPath(
"//button[contains(@name, 'login')]"
const email = await page.waitForSelector("#email");
const pass = await page.waitForSelector("#pass");
await page.evaluate((text) => {
email.value = text;
}, "my email");
await page.evaluate((text) => {
pass.value = text;
}, "my password");
await loginButton.click();
Usually it works well, but once every 4 or 5 times, I get the following error after clicking the loginButton:
"Cookies required. Cookies are not enabled on your browser. Please enable cookies in your browser preferences to continue."
I changed from Chromium to Chrome to see if this would solve the issue, but it didn't work.
I also checked the cookies settings and they are enabled.
The problem was that the inputs were being filled to quickly and facebook was suspecting that I wasn't a real person. I solved it by introducing some delay between the login steps:
const loginButton = await page.waitForXPath(
"//button[contains(@name, 'login')]"
const email = await page.waitForSelector("#email");
const pass = await page.waitForSelector("#pass");
await page.waitFor(1000);
await page.evaluate((text) => {
email.value = text;
}, "casas.farach@yahoo.com");
await page.waitFor(1000);
await page.evaluate((text) => {
pass.value = text;
}, "789654123");
await page.waitFor(1000);
await loginButton.click();