SET client_min_messages to specific ROLE postgres

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2020-04-17 19:01:11


Hi Im trying to set the client_min_messages = error to a role using the postgres user, but when I login in the role I check current_setting('client_min_messages') and I get DEFAULT VALUE (notice). Ive already tried restarting config and also done some tests.

To summarize I did:

  1. Login with postgres role.
  2. check default values of client_min_messages(notice) and log_min_messages(warning).
  3. ALTER ROLE anne SET client_min_messages = error;
  4. ALTER ROLE anne SET log_min_messages = panic;
  5. SELECT pg_reload_conf();
  6. Logout postgres.
  7. Login anne.
  8. check SELECT current_setting('client_min_messages'), returning NOTICE(default value).
  9. check SELECT current_setting('log_min_messages'), returning panic(non default value).
  10. Test the code below

        do $$
                raise info ' client_min_messages: %',current_setting('client_min_messages'); -- i get "notice"
                raise debug ' time : %', NOW(); 
                raise notice ' time : %', NOW(); 
                raise warning ' time : %', NOW(); 
        end $$;

I mean, I have to set client_min_messages every time I log with an user? So the Alter Role/User SET client_min_messages is useless?

I've tried changing login_min_messages to an specific role and when I login with the role the configuration remains ok(not default value).


The method should work. It worked for me.

Do you have any environment variables (like PGOPTIONS) set or explicit call out of the set client_min_messages command in the session?

