XXX is a table without a header line and therefore has no component called “EBELN”

一笑奈何 提交于 2020-04-15 17:20:48


I'm getting the syntax error:

"IT_COMBINE" is a table without a header line and therefore has no component called "EBELN".

I have tried using "into corresponding fields" and that does not work.

My code:

  19   Data it_combine type standard table of ty_combine.
  32    select ebeln lifnr ekorg bsart ekgrp
  33      into table it_po
  34       from ekko
  35         where ebeln = it_combine-ebeln. " <=== SYNTAX ERROR


You can not use the fields in internal tables directly if you did not declare your internal table with header line.

There are 2 possibilities to change your code.

  1. You have called field ebeln in line no 35. Since you did not declare it_combine with header line in line no 19, you can not use it_combine-ebeln like this. Instead you have to declare Work Area

    Data wa_combine type ty_combine. 

and use the work area in line no 35 as

Loop at it_combine into wa_combine .
 select ebeln lifnr ekorg bsart ekgrp
   into table it_po
    from ekko
      where ebeln = wa_combine-ebeln.
End Loop.

2 You have to declare your internal table with header line

 Data it_combine type standard table of ty_combine with header line.

Refer to the Sap help document for breif description about header line and work area.


You can also use the addition "FOR ALL ENTRIES IN" for statement "SELECT":

SELECT DISTINCT ebeln netwr werks INTO TABLE it_combine
  FROM ekpo
  WHERE netwr IN s_netwr. "in is only for select options

  CHECK it_combine[] IS NOT INITIAL. " not empty, obligatory

 SELECT ebeln lifnr ekorg bsart ekgrp
  INTO TABLE it_po  
  FROM ekko FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_combine
  WHERE ebeln = it_combine-ebeln.

"with header line" or additional work area - not need

Also, using "with header line" impossible in the OOP context.

