<template> <div class="item_detail"> <van-swipe :autoplay="3000" indicator-color="white"> <van-swipe-item v-for="(item,index) in goods.pictureList" v-bind:key="index"><img :src="item.url"></van-swipe-item> </van-swipe> <div class="buy-area"> <h2 class="title"> <!-- OGAWA 奥佳华 舒行者全自动按摩椅 OG-7105 泰式定 位拉抻按摩椅 --> {{goods.title}} </h2> <p class="des"> <!-- 透彻拉筋放松,舒畅全身;如儿时摇篮般的舒适体验;压肩揉按,抚慰颈部疲劳 --> {{goods.desc}} </p> <div class="point"> {{goods.minScorePrice}} 积分 </div> </div> <div class="detail-title"> <span> 商品详情 </span> </div> <div class="content" v-html="goods.detail"> </div> <van-goods-action> <van-goods-action-big-btn primary @click="doBuyNow" text="立即兑换" /> </van-goods-action> <div v-show="showBase"> <div class="alertBox"> <div class="mainbox"> <i class="van-icon van-icon-close icon-pos" @click="doClose"></i> <div v-for="(item,n) in itemList" v-bind:key="n"> <div class="stand-title"> {{item.specNameTitle}} </div> <div class="stand-cont clearfix"> <div class="item" v-for="(oItem,index) in item.valueList" :class="[oItem.notShowFlag == 1 ? 'disabled' : '',subIndex[n] == index ? 'active': '']" @click="select(n,index,item.specNameId,oItem.specNameValueId,oItem.notShowFlag)" v-bind:key="index">{{oItem.specNameValueTitle}}</div> <!-- <div class="item active">红</div>https://blog.csdn.net/yx_cos/article/details/82499389 <div class="item">黑</div>https://blog.csdn.net/panyang01/article/details/76665448 https://blog.csdn.net/this_ITBoy/article/details/82724701 <div class="item disabled">白</div> --> </div> </div> <div class="count clearfix"> <span> 数量选择 </span> <van-stepper v-model="value" :max="maxAmount" /> </div> </div> <div class="btmBtn" @click="doPay()"> 确认兑换 </div> </div> </div> <div class="van-modal" v-show="showBase" @click="doClose" style="z-index: 10;"></div> </div> </template> <script> // import { GOODS_DETAIL } from '@/api/goods'; import { Swipe, SwipeItem, GoodsAction, GoodsActionBigBtn, GoodsActionMiniBtn, Popup, Sku, Stepper, Toast } from 'vant'; export default { props: { itemId: [String, Number] }, data() {return { value: 1, showBase: false, goods: {}, subIndex: [], accessFlag: true, itemList: [], tmpItemList: [], skuList: [], tmpStr: "", specStr1: "", specStr2: "", skuId: "", maxAmount: 1 }; }, computed: { }, created() { // var that = this // history.pushState(null, null, document.URL); // window.addEventListener('popstate', function(e) { // that.$router.replace({path: '/'}) // // history.pushState(null, null, location.protocol+'//'+location.host + '/'); // }); window.scrollTo(0,0) this.initData(); }, destroyed(){ this.doClose() }, beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next){ this.doClose() next(); }, methods: { initData() { // this.$reqGet(`${GOODS_DETAIL}`, { // expand: 'desc,skus,prop_imgs,item_imgs' // }).then(res => { // this.goods = res.data.data; // }); var that = this this.$reqGet('/product/get-product?productId='+that.itemId).then(function(res) { console.log(res) that.goods = res.data.body.productWithList that.itemList = res.data.body.specValueVOList that.skuList = res.data.body.skuList that.tmpItemList = res.data.body.specValueVOList }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err) }) }, doBuyNow() { this.value = 1 this.showBase = true document.body.style.height = '100vh' document.body.style['overflow'] = 'hidden' document.body.style.position = 'fixed' this.itemList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.tmpItemList)) // 隐藏后初始化弹出选中 与 disabled this.subIndex = [] // 隐藏后初始化弹出选中 与 disabled }, doClose() { this.value = 1 this.showBase = false document.body.style.height = 'unset' document.body.style['overflow'] = 'auto' document.body.style.position = '' this.itemList = this.tmpItemList }, doPay() { var that = this if (this.subIndex.length == 0) { this.$toast('请选择规格'); return false; } if(this.subIndex.length < this.goods.nameList.length) { this.$toast('请选择规格'); return false; } if (that.subIndex.indexOf(-1) > -1) { this.$toast('请选择规格'); return false } // this.tmpStr = this.specStr1 + this.specStr2 // console.log(this.tmpStr,2) // return false; // this.skuList.forEach(function (item,index) { // if (that.tmpStr == item.specStr) { // that.skuId = item.skuId // that.maxAmount = item.stock // if(that.value > that.maxAmount) { // that.value = that.maxAmount // return false // } // } // }) if (this.accessFlag) { this.$reqPost('/order/add-order',{remark:"",products:[{skuId:that.skuId,quantity:that.value}]}).then(function(res) { console.log(res) if(res.data.body.status) { // that.doClose() that.$router.push({path:'/items/write',query:{skuId:that.skuId,orderNo:res.data.body.data}}) }else{ that.$toast(res.data.body.msg); that.initData() } }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err) }) } }, select(n,index,pid,cid,flag) { if (flag == 1) { return false; } if (n == 0) { this.specStr1 = 'nameId'+pid+','+'valueId'+cid+','; } if (n == 1) { this.specStr2 = 'nameId'+pid+','+'valueId'+cid+','; } // console.log(this.specStr1,this.specStr2) if(this.subIndex[n] == index) { this.subIndex[n] = -1 //去掉选中状态 下面去掉当时选中德str 同时赋值 if (n == 0) { this.specStr1 = ""; } if (n == 1) { this.specStr2 = ""; } this.$set(this.subIndex, n, -1) }else { this.subIndex[n] = index this.$set(this.subIndex, n, index) } // 判断规格为两种搭配情况下的stock为0情况下 是否不可点击按钮(disabled) (规格为一种时候 通过后台返回的notShowFlag 判断 规格为两种时候 第二种的notShowFlag 为1) var that = this if (this.itemList.length == 2 && n == 0) { this.itemList[1].valueList.forEach(function(item,index) { var ppStr1 = that.specStr1 + 'nameId'+that.itemList[1].specNameId+','+'valueId'+item.specNameValueId+',' that.skuList.forEach(function(obj,j) { // console.log(ppStr1,obj.specStr,obj.stock) if (ppStr1 == obj.specStr) { if(obj.stock == 0) { item.notShowFlag = 1 }else{ item.notShowFlag = 0 } } }) }) } if (this.itemList.length == 2 && n == 1) { this.itemList[0].valueList.forEach(function(item,index) { var ppStr2 ='nameId'+that.itemList[0].specNameId+','+'valueId'+item.specNameValueId+','+that.specStr2 that.skuList.forEach(function(obj,j) { // console.log(ppStr2,obj.specStr,obj.stock) if (ppStr2 == obj.specStr) { if(obj.stock == 0) { item.notShowFlag = 1 }else{ item.notShowFlag = 0 } } }) }) } this.tmpStr = this.specStr1 + this.specStr2 // console.log(this.tmpStr,1) this.skuList.forEach(function (item,index) { if (that.tmpStr == item.specStr) { that.skuId = item.skuId that.maxAmount = item.stock if(that.value > that.maxAmount) { that.value = that.maxAmount return false } } }) // console.log(this.maxAmount,2) // this.subIndex[n] = index // this.$set(this.subIndex, n, index) // console.log(n,index,pid,cid) } }, components: { [Popup.name]: Popup, [Swipe.name]: Swipe, [SwipeItem.name]: SwipeItem, [GoodsAction.name]: GoodsAction, [GoodsActionBigBtn.name]: GoodsActionBigBtn, [GoodsActionMiniBtn.name]: GoodsActionMiniBtn, [Sku.name]: Sku, [Stepper.name]: Stepper, [Toast.name]: Toast } }; 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