Build the querySelector string value of any given node in the DOM

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-03-25 17:25:11


I am trying to find a way to build the querySelector string of any given node. In other words - pick any node on a page - is it possible to walk up the DOM and build a string that would allow me to pass the generated string to document.querySelector and get back the node I chose?

From what I can tell querySelector has a bug where you can only use nth-child once in the string.

I have tried several times but so far have failed to find a solution. I want to do this in native JavaScript, not jQuery.Any suggestions?


I see this question is from 2015 but I just dealt with this issue and had to build a custom function to do so.

I've made a snippet to test it, just click any element and the querySelector should display as a string in the bottom div.

function getQuerySelector(elem) {

  var element = elem;
  var str = "";

  function loop(element) {

    // stop here = element has ID
    if(element.getAttribute("id")) {
      str = str.replace(/^/, " #" + element.getAttribute("id"));
      str = str.replace(/\s/, "");
      str = str.replace(/\s/g, " > ");
      return str;

    // stop here = element is body
    if(document.body === element) {
      str = str.replace(/^/, " body");
      str = str.replace(/\s/, "");
      str = str.replace(/\s/g, " > ");
      return str;

    // concat all classes in "queryselector" style
    if(element.getAttribute("class")) {
      var elemClasses = ".";
      elemClasses += element.getAttribute("class");
      elemClasses = elemClasses.replace(/\s/g, ".");
      elemClasses = elemClasses.replace(/^/g, " ");
      var classNth = "";

      // check if element class is the unique child
      var childrens = element.parentNode.children;

      if(childrens.length < 2) {

      var similarClasses = [];

      for(var i = 0; i < childrens.length; i++) {
        if(element.getAttribute("class") == 
childrens[i].getAttribute("class")) {

      if(similarClasses.length > 1) {
        for(var j = 0; j < similarClasses.length; j++) {
          if(element === similarClasses[j]) {
            classNth = ":nth-of-type(" + j + ")";

      str = str.replace(/^/, elemClasses + classNth);


      // get nodeType
      var name = element.nodeName;
      name = name.toLowerCase();
      var nodeNth = "";

      var childrens = element.parentNode.children;

      if(childrens.length > 2) {
        var similarNodes = [];

        for(var i = 0; i < childrens.length; i++) {
          if(element.nodeName == childrens[i].nodeName) {

        if(similarNodes.length > 1) {
          for(var j = 0; j < similarNodes.length; j++) {
            if(element === similarNodes[j]) {
              nodeNth = ":nth-of-type(" + j + ")";


      str = str.replace(/^/, " " + name + nodeNth);


    if(element.parentNode) {
    else {
      str = str.replace(/\s/g, " > ");
      str = str.replace(/\s/, "");
      return str;



  return str;


