JSF: reloading page via p:button using “?includeViewParams=true” results in %2C for integer GET param in new URL

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-03-25 13:49:11


I have a page that has two GET params:

round = [some integer]

group = [some string]

See URL above.

These are the two components of the group's PK, an INT + a VARCHAR.

Facelet code:

        <f:viewParam name="round" value="#{groupHandler.roundId}">
            <f:convertNumber integerOnly="true" />
        <f:viewParam name="group" value="#{groupHandler.groupCode}" />
        <f:viewAction action="#{groupHandler.loadEntity}" />


    <p:button widgetVar="reloadPageButton"
              value="Reload page"
              outcome="#{view.viewId}?includeViewParams=true" />

    <h1>Group Manager</h1>


As you can see, the groupHandler bean receices the round ID via <h:viewParam name="round" value="#{groupHandler.roundId}"> using a number converter.

I construct a button to reload the page including the view parameters. When clicking this button, the page gets reloaded correctly, however, it now includes a comma character %2C in the new URL:

EDIT #1:

This is what a p:link hover has to say:

EDIT #2:

Minimal reproducible example:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

    <f:view encoding="UTF-8">

            <f:viewParam name="round" value="#{groupHandler.roundId}">
                <f:convertNumber integerOnly="true" />
            <f:viewParam name="group" value="#{groupHandler.groupCode}" />
            <f:viewAction action="#{groupHandler.loadEntity}" />

            <title>PrimeFaces View Param Int Reload Test</title>


            <p:link widgetVar="reloadPageButton"
                    value="Reload page"
                    outcome="#{view.viewId}?includeViewParams=true" />
            <p />

            <h:form id="test-form">

                The selected group is: [#{groupHandler.roundId}, #{groupHandler.groupCode}]






public class GroupHandler implements Serializable
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private Integer roundId;
    private String groupCode;

    public Integer getRoundId()
        return roundId;

    public void setRoundId( Integer roundId )
        this.roundId = roundId;

    public String getGroupCode()
        return groupCode;

    public void setGroupCode( String groupCode )
        this.groupCode = groupCode;

    public void loadEntity()
        System.out.println( GroupHandler.class.getSimpleName() + ".loadEntity(): round ID = " + getRoundId() + ", group code = " + getGroupCode() );


Why is this happening?

How do I get rid of this?

I'm using Mojarra 2.3.x, PrimeFaces 8, WildFly 14

