Chrome error:
jquery.js:8678 GET http://localhost:3000/people/locations/location_data.geojson 404 (Not Found)
send @ jquery.js:8678
ajax @ jquery.js:8327
jQuery.<computed> @ jquery.js:8464
getJSON @ jquery.js:8448
makeMapTwo @ mapPersonLeaflet.js:22
(anonymous) @ mapPersonLeaflet.js:10
I'm trying to get values through a has_many :through
relationship. Three main databases: people, locations (which has street address and other information), and the join table, years
which links the person to a particular address on a specific date.
# models/person.rb
class Person < ApplicationRecord
has_many :years, dependent: :destroy
has_many :locations, through: :years
# models/location.rb
class Location < ApplicationRecord
has_many :years
has_many :people, through: :years
# models/year.rb
class Year < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :location
belongs_to :person
links the person to a particular address on a specific date.
From views/people/show.html.erb
(of course the page for a particular person which I hope to show details about the person including locations they were associated with).
<div id="map" class="map"></div>
<%= javascript_pack_tag 'mapPersonLeaflet' %>
From javascript/packs/mapPersonLeaflet.js
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
makeMapTwo(); // LINE 10 in Chrome error above
function makeMapTwo(){
var mapVar = L.map("map", { center: [34.040951, -118.258579], zoom: 13 });
$.getJSON("locations/location_data.geojson", function (data_data) { // LINE 22 in Chrome error above
I put the jBuilder file in a folder views/people/locations/
because if I put it in /people
I got an error:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound - Couldn't find Person with 'id'=location_data:
app/controllers/people_controller.rb:118:in `set_person'
json.type "FeatureCollection"
json.features @person.years do |year|
# Person has_many :locations, through: :years
json.type "Feature"
json.properties do
json.set! "marker-color", "#C978F3" # will make this different for resto and resid a
# json.title year.resto
json.name year.full_name
json.geometry do
json.type "Point"
json.coordinates [year.location['longitude'], year.location['latitude']]
end # json.geometry
end # features
Never gets to the above file. Fails at $.getJSON("locations/location_data.geojson", function (data_data) {
with the error in Terminal
Started GET "/people/locations/location_data.geojson" for ::1 at 2020-03-09 18:47:05 -0700
NameError - uninitialized constant People:
I can't figure out which People
it's referring to. I know it's not getting to the .jbuilder doc because if I delete everything in that doc I get the same error.
Something wrong with my paths. Typo somewhere?
From routes.rb
I have this line get 'people/locations/location_data', :defaults => { :format => 'json' }
PS. I tried this a couple of months ago as an OpenLayers script, but came back to Leaflet since I have had success with Leaflet and hope to go back to the OpenLayers where I was having related problems Rails passing variable to jBuilder
I would start by just creating a nested route that serves up the JSON to populate the map:
resources :people do
# ...
resources :locations, only: [:index], module: :people
Then setup a controller:
module People
class LocationsController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_person
# GET /people/1/locations.json
def index
respond_to do |f|
def set_person
@person = Person.eager_load(:locations)
@locations = @person.locations
You can rename the template /people/locations/index.json.jbuilder
Then setup the map element so that it has a data attribute that tells the javascript where to load the JSON from:
<%= content_tag :div, "",
class: "map personal-map",
data: { src: person_locations_path(@person, format: :json) }
Also get rid of <%= javascript_pack_tag 'mapPersonLeaflet' %>
- just say no to inline script tags!
You can then just create a script in your assets pipeline that looks for elements with the personal-map
class and augments them:
function personalMap(el){
var map = L.map(el, { center: [34.040951, -118.258579], zoom: 13 });
return map;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
// you could also use $('.personal-map').each or the less sucky ES6
// equivilent
var personalMaps = Array.prototype.map.call(
If you want to pass any other information from the view to the map (like the bounds or zoom) use data attributes on the map element.
Your route does not specify the controller and action it maps to, add the :to
parameter to fix that:
get 'people/locations/location_data', :to => 'people#location_data', :defaults => { :format => 'json' }
I assume the router interprets the route differently otherwise.