_Generic combined with variadic function?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-03-19 07:48:25


In C11, I could create a function which prototype would look like this:

void myVaFunc(const char* const conv, ...);

I could run it like this:

myVaFunc("ici", 1, "test", 2);

The function would know (after parsing the 1st parameter) that there are 3 additional parameters (4 with the initial one) with types consequently int, string(char pointer) and int. Easy, but not very elegant. Recently I have learned about the _Generic keyword, which allows to derive the type of a variable at the compilation time. I started to wonder either there is a way to combine the variadic functionality (not function anymore, since it always needs the 1st static parameter) and the _Generic functionality. Why? In order to remove the 1st parameter, which tells the function how to parse the others. Can a macro, which would be called like this exist?

MYVAFUNC(1, "test", 2);

And work in a same way as described earlier myVaFunc?

I am thinking about it for a while now, but cannot figure out either it is possible.


That is definitely possible but AFAIK, it requires some nontrivial macro magic (and it's difficult to make it work for an unlimited number of arguments).

In my project I have a BX_foreachc(What,...) macro that allows you to implement it with:

#include <stdio.h>
#define MYVAFUNC(...) /*replace puts with the actual consumer of the generated format string*/ \
    (MYVAFUNC__ptr=MYVAFUNC__buf, \
     BX_foreachc(MYVAFUNC__append,__VA_ARGS__), \
     *MYVAFUNC__ptr=0, \
char MYVAFUNC__buf[128]; 
char *MYVAFUNC__ptr = MYVAFUNC__buf;
#define MYVAFUNC__append(X) *MYVAFUNC__ptr++ = _Generic(X,char*:'c',int:'i')

int main(void)
    MYVAFUNC(1,"foo",1,2,"bar",1,2,3) ; 
    //generates and consumes "iciiciii" and returns the return value of the consumer

The problematic part might be that my implementation of BX_foreachc (with a support for up to 127 arguments) is about 140 lines of cryptic, mostly generated code.

Here's a script that generates it and test-runs it on the above-posted main:

#!/bin/sh -eu
bx_def_BX_argc() #Define an arg-counting macro for Max $1 args (incl) #{{{
    local max_args=${1:-128} i
    printf '#define BX_argc(...) BX_argc_(X,##__VA_ARGS__) //{{{\n'
    printf '#define BX_argc_(...) BX_argc__(,##__VA_ARGS__,'
    i=$max_args; while [ $i -gt 0 ]; do printf $i,; i=$((i-1)); done
    printf '0,0)\n'
    printf '#define BX_argc__(_,'
    while [ $i -le $max_args ]; do printf _$i,; i=$((i+1)); done
    printf 'Cnt,...) Cnt //}}}\n'
} #}}}
bx_def_BX_foreach_() #{{{
    local Comma="$1" Max="${2:-128}"
    if [ -z "$Comma" ]; then
        echo "#define BX_foreachc_1(What, x, ...) What(x)"
        echo "#define BX_foreach_1(Join, What, x, ...) What(x)"
    i=2; while [ $i -lt $Max ]; do
        if [ -z "$Comma" ]; then
            printf '#define BX_foreach_%d(Join,What,x,...) What(x) Join BX_paste(BX_foreach_%d(Join, What, __VA_ARGS__))\n' \
              $i $((i-1));
            printf '#define BX_foreachc_%d(What,x,...) What(x) , BX_paste(BX_foreachc_%d(What, __VA_ARGS__))\n' \
              $i $((i-1));
    i=$((i+1)); done
} #}}}
cat <<EOF
#define BX_foreach(Join,What, ...) BX_foreach_(BX_argc(__VA_ARGS__), Join, What, __VA_ARGS__)
#define BX_foreachc(What, ...) BX_foreachc_(BX_argc(__VA_ARGS__), What, __VA_ARGS__)
#define BX_cat(X,...)  BX_cat_(X,__VA_ARGS__) //{{{
#define BX_cat_(X,...) X##__VA_ARGS__ //}}}
#define BX_paste(X) X

#define BX_foreach_(N, Join, What, ...) BX_paste(BX_cat(BX_foreach_, N)(Join, What, __VA_ARGS__))
#define BX_foreachc_(N,  What, ...) BX_paste(BX_cat(BX_foreachc_, N)( What, __VA_ARGS__))

#define BX_argc(...) BX_argc_(X,##__VA_ARGS__)
bx_def_BX_foreach_ ''
bx_def_BX_foreach_ 1
} > foreach.h

cat > main.c <<'EOF'
#include "foreach.h" //generated header implementing BX_foreachc
#include <stdio.h>
#define MYVAFUNC(...) /*replace puts with the actual consumer of the generated format string*/ \
    (MYVAFUNC__ptr=MYVAFUNC__buf, \
     BX_foreachc(MYVAFUNC__append,__VA_ARGS__), \
     *MYVAFUNC__ptr=0, \
char MYVAFUNC__buf[128]; 
char *MYVAFUNC__ptr = MYVAFUNC__buf;
#define MYVAFUNC__append(X) *MYVAFUNC__ptr++ = _Generic(X,char*:'c',int:'i')

int main(void)
    MYVAFUNC(1,"foo",1,2,"bar",1,2,3) ; 
    //generates and consumes "iciiciii" and returns the return value of the consumer

#compile and test-run
gcc main.c

If you want to guard against overflowing the 127 maximum argument count, you could replace the above foreach-generated comma expression with an expression statement (nonstandard but common C extension) of the form:

    char buf[128];
    char *p=buf, *e = buf+sizeof(buf)-1;

    //foreach X:
        if(*p==e) return FAIL; else *p = _Generic(X,char*:'c', int:'i');
    *p = 0;

An even better way to tackle this might be to completely forgo the format string an instead generate something like

    //foreach X:
        if(FAILS(_Generic(X,char*: consume_str, int: consume_int)(X))) return FAIL;

Example, working code (no nonstandard C features):

#include <stdio.h>
#include "foreach.h"
#define FAILS(X) (0>(X))
#define FAIL (-1)
int consume_int(int X){ return printf("%d\n", X); }
int consume_str(char const* X){ return puts(X); }

#define MYVAFUNC(...) do{ BX_foreach(;,CONSUME_ARG,__VA_ARGS__); }while(0);
#define CONSUME_ARG(X) if(FAILS(_Generic(X, char*: consume_str, int:consume_int)(X)))
int main(void)
    MYVAFUNC(1,"foo",1,2,"bar",1,2,3) ; 

(Note that this uses BX_foreach (a macro that uses a custom joiner, in my case it's ;) rather than the BX_foreachc comma-based special case.)

