unit Unit1; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs,Typinfo, Vcl.StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} function PropertyExists(const AObject: TObject; const APropName: string): Boolean; var PropInfo: PPropInfo; begin PropInfo := GetPropInfo(AObject.ClassInfo, APropName); Result := Assigned(PropInfo); end; function GetObjectProperty( const AObject: TObject; const APropName: string ): TObject; var PropInfo: PPropInfo; begin Result := nil; PropInfo := GetPropInfo(AObject.ClassInfo, APropName); if Assigned(PropInfo) and (PropInfo^.PropType^.Kind = tkClass) then Result := GetObjectProp(AObject, PropInfo); end; procedure FitDeviceResolution(Sender: TForm); const OriWidth = 1440; OriHeight = 900; var i: Integer; j: Integer; LocAnchors: array of TAnchors; LocAlign: array of TAlign; LocList: TList; LocFontSize: Integer; LocFont: TFont; LocCmp: TComponent; ScrResolutionRateH, ScrResolutionRateW,LocFontRate: Double; begin ScrResolutionRateH := Screen.Height / OriHeight; ScrResolutionRateW := Screen.Width / OriWidth; if Abs(ScrResolutionRateH - 1) < Abs(ScrResolutionRateW - 1) then LocFontRate := ScrResolutionRateH else LocFontRate := ScrResolutionRateW; LocList := TList.Create; try try if (screen.width <> OriWidth) or (screen.Height <> OriHeight) then begin Sender.Scaled := False; for i := Sender.ComponentCount - 1 downto 0 do begin LocCmp := Sender.Components[i]; if LocCmp is TControl then LocList.Add(LocCmp); if PropertyExists(LocCmp, 'FONT') then begin LocFont := TFont(GetObjectProperty(LocCmp, 'FONT')); LocFontSize := Round(LocFontRate * LocFont.Size); LocFont.Size := LocFontSize; end; end; SetLength(LocAnchors, LocList.Count); SetLength(LocAlign, LocList.Count); for i := 0 to LocList.Count - 1 do with TControl(LocList.Items[i]) do begin LocAnchors[i] := Anchors; LocAlign[i] := Align; Align := alNone; Anchors := [akLeft, akTop]; end; Sender.Top := Round(Sender.Top * ScrResolutionRateH); Sender.Left := Round(Sender.Left * ScrResolutionRateW); Sender.Height := Round(Sender.Height * ScrResolutionRateH); Sender.Width := Round(Sender.Width * ScrResolutionRateW); Sender.Font.size := Round(LocFontRate * Sender.Font.size); for i := 0 to LocList.Count - 1 do begin with TControl(LocList.Items[i]) do begin Top := Round(Top * ScrResolutionRateH); Left := Round(Left * ScrResolutionRateW); Height := Round(height * ScrResolutionRateH); Width := Round(width * ScrResolutionRateW); end; end; for i := 0 to LocList.Count - 1 do TControl(LocList.Items[i]).Align := LocAlign[i]; for i := 0 to LocList.Count - 1 do TControl(LocList.Items[i]).Anchors := LocAnchors[i]; end; except MessageDlg(LocCMP.Name, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); end; finally LocList.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin FitDeviceResolution(Self); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FitDeviceResolution(Self); end; end.