Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is the integrated management of main business processes, often in real time and mediated by software and technology.
Recently, I got a request to deploy an ERP system to an electrical appliance factory.
For this factory, the ERP system must intergate the following functional areas:
- Localization for China
- Financial accounting
- Management accounting
- Human resources
- Manufacturing
- Order processing
- Customer relationship management (CRM)
To get the best solution, I searched some open-source ERP system in github.com and analyse the feature of each ERP system.
1.frappe/erpnext: Open Source Alternative to SAP Open Source Alternative to SAP
❌ not free
✅ reliable
✅ open-source
✅ comprehensive functional modules
✅ free
✅ reliable
✅ open-source
✅ covers all needs
✅ comprehensive functional modules
🔴 after udoo 9, you must pay for completed version
✅ localization for China
✅ free
✅ reliable
✅ open-source
❌ manufacture module is under development
✅ comprehensive functional modules
❌ no localization for China
4. zhuinfo/Django-ERP: Django based ERP system.
❌ limited use
❌ no instruction
5. taozhaoping/ERP:
❌ limited use
❌ no instruction
6. inoerp/inoERP
✅ free
❌ no instruction
✅ comprehensive functional modules
7. openeducat/openeducat_erp
❌ only for education industry
8. mixerp/mixerp
❌ home page under maintainance
❌ no instruction
10. itcloudy/ERP: bEEGO based ERP
❌ limited use
❌ no instruction
In the next part, I’ll show you the Odoo8.0.