I have the following model:
class Vacancy(models.Model):
lat = models.FloatField('Latitude', blank=True)
lng = models.FloatField('Longitude', blank=True)
How should I make a query to sort by distance (distance is infinity)?
Working on PosgreSQL, GeoDjango if it is required.
First of all, it is better to make a point field instead of making lat and lnt separated:
from django.contrib.gis.db import models
location = models.PointField(null=False, blank=False, srid=4326, verbose_name="Location")
Then, you can filter it like that:
from django.contrib.gis.geos import *
from django.contrib.gis.measure import D
distance = 2000
ref_location = Point(1.232433, 1.2323232)
res = yourmodel.objects.filter(location__distance_lte=(ref_location, D(m=distance))).distance(ref_location).order_by('distance')
the .distance(ref_location)
is removed in django >=1.9 you should use an annotation instead.
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions import Distance
from django.contrib.gis.measure import D
from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point
ref_location = Point(1.232433, 1.2323232, srid=4326)
yourmodel.objects.filter(location__distance_lte=(ref_location, D(m=2000)))
.annotate(distance=Distance("location", ref_location))
also you should narrow down your search with the dwithin
operator which uses the spatial index, distance does not use the index which slows your query down:
yourmodel.objects.filter(location__dwithin=(ref_location, 0.02))
.filter(location__distance_lte=(ref_location, D(m=2000)))
.annotate(distance=Distance('location', ref_location))
see this post for an explanation of location__dwithin=(ref_location, 0.02)
Here is a solution that does not require GeoDjango.
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.expressions import RawSQL
class Location(models.Model):
latitude = models.FloatField()
longitude = models.FloatField()
def get_locations_nearby_coords(latitude, longitude, max_distance=None):
Return objects sorted by distance to specified coordinates
which distance is less than max_distance given in kilometers
# Great circle distance formula
gcd_formula = "6371 * acos(least(greatest(\
cos(radians(%s)) * cos(radians(latitude)) \
* cos(radians(longitude) - radians(%s)) + \
sin(radians(%s)) * sin(radians(latitude)) \
, -1), 1))"
distance_raw_sql = RawSQL(
(latitude, longitude, latitude)
qs = Location.objects.all() \
if max_distance is not None:
qs = qs.filter(distance__lt=max_distance)
return qs
Use as follow:
nearby_locations = get_locations_nearby_coords(48.8582, 2.2945, 5)
If you are using sqlite you need to add somewhere
import math
from django.db.backends.signals import connection_created
from django.dispatch import receiver
def extend_sqlite(connection=None, **kwargs):
if connection.vendor == "sqlite":
# sqlite doesn't natively support math functions, so add them
cf = connection.connection.create_function
cf('acos', 1, math.acos)
cf('cos', 1, math.cos)
cf('radians', 1, math.radians)
cf('sin', 1, math.sin)
cf('least', 2, min)
cf('greatest', 2, max)
Best practice for this changes quite quickly, so I'll answer with what I think is most up-to-date as of 2020-01-18.
With GeoDjango
Using geography=True
with GeoDjango makes this much easier. It means everything is stored in lng/lat, but distance calculations are done in meters on the surface of the sphere. See the docs
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.gis.db.models import PointField
class Vacancy(models.Model):
location = PointField(srid=4326, geography=True, blank=True, null=True)
Django 3.0
If you have Django 3.0, you can sort your whole table using the following query. It uses postgis' <->
operator, which means sorting will use the spacial index and the annotated distance will be exact (for Postgres 9.5+). Note that "sorting by distance" implicitly requires a distance from something. The first argument to Point
is the longitude and the second is latitude (the opposite of the normal convention).
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions import GeometryDistance
from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point
ref_location = Point(140.0, 40.0, srid=4326)
Vacancy.objects.order_by(GeometryDistance("location", ref_location))
If you want to use the distance from the reference point in any way, you'll need to annotate it:
Vacancy.objects.annotate(distance=GeometryDistance("location", ref_location))\
If you have a lot of results, calculating the exact distance for every entry will still be slow. You should reduce the number of results with one of the following:
Limit the number of results with queryset slicing
The <->
operator won't calculate exact distance for (most) results it won't return, so slicing or paginating the results is fast. To get the first 100 results:
Vacancy.objects.annotate(distance=GeometryDistance("location", ref_location))\
Only get results within a certain distance with dwithin
If there is a maximum distance that you want results for, you should use dwithin
. The dwithin
django query uses ST_DWithin, which means it's very fast. Setting geography=True means this calculation is done in meters, not degrees. The final query for everything within 50km would be:
Vacancy.objects.filter(location__dwithin=(ref_location, 50000))\
.annotate(distance=GeometryDistance("location", ref_location))\
This can speed up queries a bit even if you are slicing down to a few results.
The second argument to dwithin
also accepts django.contrib.gis.measure.D
objects, which it converts into meters, so instead of 50000
meters, you could just use D(km=50)
Filtering on distance
You can filter directly on the annotated distance
, but it will duplicate the <->
call and be a fair amount slower than dwithin
Vacancy.objects.annotate(distance=GeometryDistance("location", ref_location))\
Django 2.X
If you don't have Django 3.0, you can still sort your whole table using Distance
instead of GeometryDistance
, but it uses ST_Distance, which might be slow if it is done on every entry and there are a lot of entries. If that's the case, you can use dwithin
to narrow down the results.
Note that slicing will not be fast because Distance
needs to calculate the exact distance for everything in order to sort the results.
Without GeoDjango
If you don't have GeoDjango, you'll need a sql formula for calculating distance. The efficiency and correctness varies from answer to answer (especially around the poles/dateline), but in general it will be fairly slow.
One way to speed queries up is to index lat
and lng
and use mins/maxes for each before annotating the distance. The math is quite complicated because the bounding "box" isn't exactly a box. See here: How to calculate the bounding box for a given lat/lng location?
On Django 3.0 there will be a GeometryDistance function, which works the same way as Distance
, but uses the <-> operator instead, which uses spatial indexes on ORDER BY
queries, eliminating the need for a dwithin
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions import GeometryDistance
from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point
ref_location = Point(140.0, 40.0, srid=4326)
distance=GeometryDistance('location', ref_location)
If you want to use it before Django 3.0 is released, you could use something like this:
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions import GeoFunc
from django.db.models import FloatField
from django.db.models.expressions import Func
class GeometryDistance(GeoFunc):
output_field = FloatField()
arity = 2
function = ''
arg_joiner = ' <-> '
geom_param_pos = (0, 1)
def as_sql(self, *args, **kwargs):
return Func.as_sql(self, *args, **kwargs)
If you don't want/have no opportunity to use gis, here is sollution (haversine distance fomula writter in django orm sql):
lat = 52.100
lng = 21.021
earth_radius=Value(6371.0, output_field=FloatField())
f1=Func(F('latitude'), function='RADIANS')
latitude2=Value(lat, output_field=FloatField())
f2=Func(latitude2, function='RADIANS')
l1=Func(F('longitude'), function='RADIANS')
longitude2=Value(lng, output_field=FloatField())
l2=Func(longitude2, function='RADIANS')
d_lat=Func(F('latitude'), function='RADIANS') - f2
d_lng=Func(F('longitude'), function='RADIANS') - l2
sin_lat = Func(d_lat/2, function='SIN')
cos_lat1 = Func(f1, function='COS')
cos_lat2 = Func(f2, function='COS')
sin_lng = Func(d_lng/2, function='SIN')
a = Func(sin_lat, 2, function='POW') + cos_lat1 * cos_lat2 * Func(sin_lng, 2, function='POW')
c = 2 * Func(Func(a, function='SQRT'), Func(1 - a, function='SQRT'), function='ATAN2')
d = earth_radius * c
PS change models, change filter to order_by, change keyword and parametrize
PS2 for sqlite3, you should ensure, that there are available function SIN, COS, RADIANS, ATAN2, SQRT
If you want to not use GeoDjango you can use this code:
Power(Abs(model_field_lat - ref_location_lat), Value(2)) +
Power(Abs(model_field_long - ref_location_long), Value(2)))) \
Replace model_field_lat and model_field_long with your model latitude and longitude . Also replace ref_location_lat and ref_location_long with location latitude and longitude that you want to calculate distance from it.